i would like to say having the alarm going off every time you step into your prof's office...not the best way to start the morning. i also really started to doubt the safety and efficiency of my school b/c i made the alarm go off twice and it's loud, and no one came to check out what was going on. finally, i ran to the cafe on campus, got the number for maintenance and took care of my alarm problem...but really, no good. these are the things my prof should have warned me about before going to the UK for a month.
had meeting #1...wasn't so bad. meeting #2 might suck b/c it is a guy who doesn't like his grade and thinks i need to give his paper a once over. i will hear what he has to say, ask him if i can take the paper back w/ me to look over again and so on and so forth. will i change the grade? who knows. depends on my mood.
i have come to the conclusion that my roommate is a bitch and my other is an instigator. i came home yesterday around 12:30 and had to take care of quick things and then run out the door to run errands and go to work early to make up hours. i didn't have time to walk the dog. so the instigator told the bitch i was in my room doing nothing and could have walked the dog. bitch had her boyfriend over so they walked the dog. i came out to leave for the day and said "hi" and decided to be nice, but no, she was not a nice individual to me, and then i could hear them talking about me. whatever. i give up. hence why i am not home often.
but i don't think it's too much to ask for that other people keep their shit off my shelf in the fridge. i think i am going to go food shopping for the hell of it so i have food to put on that shelf (remember, i am not home often...)
i know, maybe i am being petty, but honestly, she started this a looong time ago w/ talking shit about me and my relationship. i could take the high road on everything, and i do try to, but there just comes a point where enough is enough, stop trying to play "these are the reasons my relationship/my life is better than yours" and let it be. we are different people, we hold different lives, do different things and you should stop telling me how i should run mine more like yours. and please, for the love of petey, stop trying to one-up me on everything, it's annoying, i don't care that you got 2 points higher than me on something b/c, guess what, they aren't the same something.
wow, i am in a ranting mood today, i is sorry.
advanced theories paper got extended til tuesday which gives me a bit more time to work on it.
still have my international mediation paper due sunday but that is a 10-12 page research paper and really, at this point in the game, i can write 10 pages easy. after writing almost 40 pages on the colombian drug cartel last year for a seminar on non-state actors in international conflict, 10 pages on the mediation b/w eritrea and ethiopia is a cake-walk.
so tired and yet still so much to do today until i go to tel aviv tonight to see joual
and i am going to have to shlep the chicken there for dinner tuesday night b/c i forgot to buy it yesterday and won't be going back to my apt today at all.
and i am having a really hard time trying to explain to people in a spice store what cardimom is...they keep wanting to give me cinnamon. arg. yea, and i have no clue how to say "cardimom" in hebrew.
elections here are tomorrow. should be crazy. it's going to be b/w bibi or tzipi. my money (and my vote) is on bibi.
the only good thing about tzipi is her ass walking out the door.
had meeting #1...wasn't so bad. meeting #2 might suck b/c it is a guy who doesn't like his grade and thinks i need to give his paper a once over. i will hear what he has to say, ask him if i can take the paper back w/ me to look over again and so on and so forth. will i change the grade? who knows. depends on my mood.
i have come to the conclusion that my roommate is a bitch and my other is an instigator. i came home yesterday around 12:30 and had to take care of quick things and then run out the door to run errands and go to work early to make up hours. i didn't have time to walk the dog. so the instigator told the bitch i was in my room doing nothing and could have walked the dog. bitch had her boyfriend over so they walked the dog. i came out to leave for the day and said "hi" and decided to be nice, but no, she was not a nice individual to me, and then i could hear them talking about me. whatever. i give up. hence why i am not home often.
but i don't think it's too much to ask for that other people keep their shit off my shelf in the fridge. i think i am going to go food shopping for the hell of it so i have food to put on that shelf (remember, i am not home often...)
i know, maybe i am being petty, but honestly, she started this a looong time ago w/ talking shit about me and my relationship. i could take the high road on everything, and i do try to, but there just comes a point where enough is enough, stop trying to play "these are the reasons my relationship/my life is better than yours" and let it be. we are different people, we hold different lives, do different things and you should stop telling me how i should run mine more like yours. and please, for the love of petey, stop trying to one-up me on everything, it's annoying, i don't care that you got 2 points higher than me on something b/c, guess what, they aren't the same something.
wow, i am in a ranting mood today, i is sorry.
advanced theories paper got extended til tuesday which gives me a bit more time to work on it.
still have my international mediation paper due sunday but that is a 10-12 page research paper and really, at this point in the game, i can write 10 pages easy. after writing almost 40 pages on the colombian drug cartel last year for a seminar on non-state actors in international conflict, 10 pages on the mediation b/w eritrea and ethiopia is a cake-walk.
so tired and yet still so much to do today until i go to tel aviv tonight to see joual

and i am going to have to shlep the chicken there for dinner tuesday night b/c i forgot to buy it yesterday and won't be going back to my apt today at all.
and i am having a really hard time trying to explain to people in a spice store what cardimom is...they keep wanting to give me cinnamon. arg. yea, and i have no clue how to say "cardimom" in hebrew.
elections here are tomorrow. should be crazy. it's going to be b/w bibi or tzipi. my money (and my vote) is on bibi.
the only good thing about tzipi is her ass walking out the door.
and on the elections....