so i may have done well, i may have not...i'm sincerely hoping the former instead of the latter. there were like 2-3 questions i really just did...not...know and tried to do that whole intelligent guessing shit...who knows. i also almost screwed up a question b/c i forgot the different b/c "inter" and "intra" but luckily, i caught that mistake.
so we shall see.
i am in an email debate w/ this one girl who got a 0 on her paper. she first, didn't read guidelines which had stated footnotes and she wasn't citing all her sources. she would go pages w/out citing everything and i know that she didn't come up w/ that shit on her own. so i told her to redo it so i could give her a grade. she didn't like that so much. but, in the email, she wrote how she was accused of plagarism once before and so on. i am not asking for much, i am just asking to put footnotes...arg.
the stupidity of people.
i am waiting for the hot water so i can shower.
and then i am getting dressed and going out tonight w/ my friend who's getting married for drinks and a good time in tel aviv
a faux-bachelorette party if you must.
tomorrow i get to see joual, i am very excited about this. i miss him a lot and he will be home for 10 days which he really needs anyway. i am just excited b/c it means burgers tomorrow night and thing ever. seriously. i love it lots. i think he's just happy to be out of the army for a bit. i think he will be happier when it's all over which should be july i think he said.
i am just glad he is home.
i wish i had a vacation...i just have a span of 2 weeks where no paper is due..but i still have to work on said papers. still don't know what i am going to write for my international intervention and peacekeeping course. and it's for the prof i TA for (nothing is worse than TA'ing for him undergrad but still being a student in the MA courses) so i have to do extra well b/c it is "expected" of me. i think i want to write how the UN failure in peacekeeping missions but we've already used main examples in class - rwanda, somalia, and so on. so, we shall see. maybe i could do a broad overview but i have no idea.
right now i need to focus on my paper due thursday. using the elitist theory and new institutionalist theory to explain from the decision maker's POV why it was difficult to implement integration in the 1950's US southern schools.
fun, right? not so much.
i like the theory of a deadman's song "i hate my life" and their song "bad girlfriend." i need to get their cds i think.
in the meantime i just DL'ed shinedown's newest and i loooove this song...nevermind the heroes background to's the song that matters...
anyway, i think i might have hot water at this point so it's time to test this theory.
damn, i am glad i am not home this weekend, i can't handle the roommate when her boyfriend is over, i really can't. plus i don't want to deal w/ her cooking. she thinks she is like top shit and i just want to be like, "hunny, i was a fucking chef, what you make doesn't take rocket science."
lastly, i was found by the student loan people. actually, i wasn't, my parents were and the mail was forwarded to my parents israeli address. i have to start paying in april. arg. i have to get in touch w/ them at some point about deferring for a bit b/c, um, yea, i don't have 100usd to give them a month right now. fuck you student loan people.
and i've just wanted to yell lately, "you can't catch me, i'm the gingerbread man." i don't know why. but i do.
yea, i'm strange.
i get that.
even the man in the moon disappears into the stratosphere.
so we shall see.
i am in an email debate w/ this one girl who got a 0 on her paper. she first, didn't read guidelines which had stated footnotes and she wasn't citing all her sources. she would go pages w/out citing everything and i know that she didn't come up w/ that shit on her own. so i told her to redo it so i could give her a grade. she didn't like that so much. but, in the email, she wrote how she was accused of plagarism once before and so on. i am not asking for much, i am just asking to put footnotes...arg.
the stupidity of people.
i am waiting for the hot water so i can shower.
and then i am getting dressed and going out tonight w/ my friend who's getting married for drinks and a good time in tel aviv

tomorrow i get to see joual, i am very excited about this. i miss him a lot and he will be home for 10 days which he really needs anyway. i am just excited b/c it means burgers tomorrow night and thing ever. seriously. i love it lots. i think he's just happy to be out of the army for a bit. i think he will be happier when it's all over which should be july i think he said.

i am just glad he is home.
i wish i had a vacation...i just have a span of 2 weeks where no paper is due..but i still have to work on said papers. still don't know what i am going to write for my international intervention and peacekeeping course. and it's for the prof i TA for (nothing is worse than TA'ing for him undergrad but still being a student in the MA courses) so i have to do extra well b/c it is "expected" of me. i think i want to write how the UN failure in peacekeeping missions but we've already used main examples in class - rwanda, somalia, and so on. so, we shall see. maybe i could do a broad overview but i have no idea.
right now i need to focus on my paper due thursday. using the elitist theory and new institutionalist theory to explain from the decision maker's POV why it was difficult to implement integration in the 1950's US southern schools.
fun, right? not so much.
i like the theory of a deadman's song "i hate my life" and their song "bad girlfriend." i need to get their cds i think.
in the meantime i just DL'ed shinedown's newest and i loooove this song...nevermind the heroes background to's the song that matters...
anyway, i think i might have hot water at this point so it's time to test this theory.
damn, i am glad i am not home this weekend, i can't handle the roommate when her boyfriend is over, i really can't. plus i don't want to deal w/ her cooking. she thinks she is like top shit and i just want to be like, "hunny, i was a fucking chef, what you make doesn't take rocket science."
lastly, i was found by the student loan people. actually, i wasn't, my parents were and the mail was forwarded to my parents israeli address. i have to start paying in april. arg. i have to get in touch w/ them at some point about deferring for a bit b/c, um, yea, i don't have 100usd to give them a month right now. fuck you student loan people.
and i've just wanted to yell lately, "you can't catch me, i'm the gingerbread man." i don't know why. but i do.
yea, i'm strange.
i get that.
even the man in the moon disappears into the stratosphere.
How about...
Does Peacekeeping Keep Peace?
International Intervention and the Duration of Peace After Civil War
But enjoy ur night out..... get a little crazy....... noooooooooo not u!!!
And ENJOY the 10 days with ur man!!!!!!!!!