hi, my name is JB and i am stressed out.
who knew a 25 multiple choice question exam could be the bane of my existence. if i could just study the powerpoint and be done w/ it, my life would be so easy...but no. there are like 30-some odd readings (some totaling 40 pages for ONE article) that i need to commit to memory...arg. i hate remembering authors...i can't do it. it makes me hate smart people. smart people need to stop writing smart shit, it is making me pissed off and aggravated and i am about to walk to the 24-hour corner store and buy a pack of cigarettes. i haven't had one in a really long time but i am willing to make an exception right now...at 11:30pm..and i will walk in my pj's, w/ my hair sticking up everywhere, i don't care. but then i'd have to get out of bed and i am comfy, this is the only thing that keeps me here.
thank god it's only one final so my pigging out is relegated to only one day...tomorrow...the day before the final. it is like the exception in any diet..the day before a final, there is no diet...so i am going to eat pizza, chips, drink massive quantities of soda, candy and whatever else. and screw eating right. for one day...i'm allowed.
almost lost my elephant ring twice...had a mini heard attack both times. i need to get it re-sized. it's one of my favorite possessions and i've had it for years now. i'd be so sad if i lost it. i should super glue it to my finger. and don't think i wouldn't, if i had super glue, i'd try that experiment. it would be fun.
joual called me and told me that the army might be fucking some one over and not giving them their vacation called "regila" or as i like to call it, the "i just fought in a war and now i get 10 days off" vacation. there's a possibility it could be him though i am sure his officers wouldn't let it. the army is so fucked up, they sent some people on this vacation early b/c they need soldiers on the base. so they sent the amount they need to stay early so when everyone else go, there are still people on the base. well, the army, in all it's smartness (i kid) decided to send one of them on a course....leaving a spot open that needs to be filled. the person who ends up filling it will probably not get a vacation at all b/c there is training coming up and then a course. it's just fucked up. it isn't right. unless there's a war where they get treated like gold, combat soldiers are treated like the bottom rung people. civilians will always applaud the combat soldier, they are the ones keeping them, their family, their loved ones, their friends, safe...when the war occurred, we all donated things right and left. we also donate in times where there isn't war but b/w bureaucracy and officers w/ klepto/5-finger discount problems, usually the soldiers don't get these things. jobniks (non combat) get to go home every weekend, get BBQs, trips and all these perks, meanwhile, the guys that work the hardest, train the hardest, they are left w/ shit. i am not saying this b/c my boyfriend is a combat soldier, but he did open my eyes to fact that it isn't right. these guys work damn hard, on weekends home all they want to do is relax, wash their uniform and spend it w/ the people that matters b/c they might not be home for 14, 21 or even more days. combat soldiers work damn hard, we, as the civilians know it and respect them and treat them w/ respect and dignity, but their own officers...pf. it's a harsh reality that i just don't like. it needs to be changed in some way, but apparently, it's always been like this.
it's sad when soldiers say that they wish they had a war so they could get respect.
so here's hoping joual isn't chosen to stay back. the course now is already canceled which means he won't be able to go to the wedding in 2 weeks w/ me. i'm upset only b/c if it was anyone else, i wouldn't mind so much, but my friend is like my sister and she's met him and likes him and wanted him to be there. when i told her that he wasn't, she was genuinely upset. though, i did have to keep it in the back of my mind that this could happen...oh well.
bah, bureaucracy of all kinds just fucking sucks.
sometimes, i am glad the guy at the army office, when i went to see about having to serve, told me that my "job" in israel was, essentially, to "get married and make babies."
but sometimes, sometimes i still wish i did...
okay, i am going to attempt the sleep thing as tomorrow is going to be a long day and i am already envisioning breakdowns of massive proportions....
wish me luck.
and here's a present for you all. do you know little wayne's "lollipop"? well, here's a punk/rock band, framing henley" doing a cover of it and it is fucking hot....not just the video but the way they covered it. i didn't like the song til i heard it now....
who knew a 25 multiple choice question exam could be the bane of my existence. if i could just study the powerpoint and be done w/ it, my life would be so easy...but no. there are like 30-some odd readings (some totaling 40 pages for ONE article) that i need to commit to memory...arg. i hate remembering authors...i can't do it. it makes me hate smart people. smart people need to stop writing smart shit, it is making me pissed off and aggravated and i am about to walk to the 24-hour corner store and buy a pack of cigarettes. i haven't had one in a really long time but i am willing to make an exception right now...at 11:30pm..and i will walk in my pj's, w/ my hair sticking up everywhere, i don't care. but then i'd have to get out of bed and i am comfy, this is the only thing that keeps me here.
thank god it's only one final so my pigging out is relegated to only one day...tomorrow...the day before the final. it is like the exception in any diet..the day before a final, there is no diet...so i am going to eat pizza, chips, drink massive quantities of soda, candy and whatever else. and screw eating right. for one day...i'm allowed.
almost lost my elephant ring twice...had a mini heard attack both times. i need to get it re-sized. it's one of my favorite possessions and i've had it for years now. i'd be so sad if i lost it. i should super glue it to my finger. and don't think i wouldn't, if i had super glue, i'd try that experiment. it would be fun.
joual called me and told me that the army might be fucking some one over and not giving them their vacation called "regila" or as i like to call it, the "i just fought in a war and now i get 10 days off" vacation. there's a possibility it could be him though i am sure his officers wouldn't let it. the army is so fucked up, they sent some people on this vacation early b/c they need soldiers on the base. so they sent the amount they need to stay early so when everyone else go, there are still people on the base. well, the army, in all it's smartness (i kid) decided to send one of them on a course....leaving a spot open that needs to be filled. the person who ends up filling it will probably not get a vacation at all b/c there is training coming up and then a course. it's just fucked up. it isn't right. unless there's a war where they get treated like gold, combat soldiers are treated like the bottom rung people. civilians will always applaud the combat soldier, they are the ones keeping them, their family, their loved ones, their friends, safe...when the war occurred, we all donated things right and left. we also donate in times where there isn't war but b/w bureaucracy and officers w/ klepto/5-finger discount problems, usually the soldiers don't get these things. jobniks (non combat) get to go home every weekend, get BBQs, trips and all these perks, meanwhile, the guys that work the hardest, train the hardest, they are left w/ shit. i am not saying this b/c my boyfriend is a combat soldier, but he did open my eyes to fact that it isn't right. these guys work damn hard, on weekends home all they want to do is relax, wash their uniform and spend it w/ the people that matters b/c they might not be home for 14, 21 or even more days. combat soldiers work damn hard, we, as the civilians know it and respect them and treat them w/ respect and dignity, but their own officers...pf. it's a harsh reality that i just don't like. it needs to be changed in some way, but apparently, it's always been like this.
it's sad when soldiers say that they wish they had a war so they could get respect.
so here's hoping joual isn't chosen to stay back. the course now is already canceled which means he won't be able to go to the wedding in 2 weeks w/ me. i'm upset only b/c if it was anyone else, i wouldn't mind so much, but my friend is like my sister and she's met him and likes him and wanted him to be there. when i told her that he wasn't, she was genuinely upset. though, i did have to keep it in the back of my mind that this could happen...oh well.
bah, bureaucracy of all kinds just fucking sucks.
sometimes, i am glad the guy at the army office, when i went to see about having to serve, told me that my "job" in israel was, essentially, to "get married and make babies."
but sometimes, sometimes i still wish i did...
okay, i am going to attempt the sleep thing as tomorrow is going to be a long day and i am already envisioning breakdowns of massive proportions....
wish me luck.
and here's a present for you all. do you know little wayne's "lollipop"? well, here's a punk/rock band, framing henley" doing a cover of it and it is fucking hot....not just the video but the way they covered it. i didn't like the song til i heard it now....
hope you do well in the final, and also agree with language and terminology... smart people must write differently or knowledge is bound to be lost!
sorry to hear about the wedding, hope there will be a solution/surprise and J will show up
well get some rest as tomorrow it seems you have a frenzied day full of brain punching... finals and that's it right? you get some vacation days off?
Good luck on ur test, I m confident u'll do well!
I really hope Joual gets his well-deserved 10-day leave. It does really suck that the front-line soldiers r treated like that. Im keeping my fingers crossed!