i'll be up all night grading papers...unfortunately, this is where procrastination has led me, HOWEVER spending the whole night grading papers is a lot less stressful than pulling an all-nighter writing papers.

except i am not a black man, but you get the point.
oh well.
i have original mario 1-3 for NES on my computer - it just further ensures that i will never pay attention in class...ever.
we have another dog we are fostering. this is number 3 but i think he will stay longer b/c he was an abused dog (his former owners poured acid on his head and his has a huge wound...so fucking sad what people do) so we hold on to him til he gets better. i want a real dog though, probably when i get done w/ school so i can give it attention..i want a pug and i want to name him shemp (from the stooges). but for now, we foster dogs b/c shelters are too full and no one wants to put down cute doggies. and fostering means free food and vet care..so it works. and if it becomes too much, we can give him back to the shelter. though we won't, we like the doggies here.
okay, it's 11pm israel-time, i have an appointment w/ a seamstress tomorrow at 9:30am to get my skirt made for my best friend's wedding in 2.5 weeks. i need to be done w/ 20 papers by then. is it do-able? i hope so. we shall see....
who needs sleep anyway when you can just sleep when you are dead?
oh yea, i officially told my landlord (or really told her english-to-hebrew and vice versa friend) that i want to extend the contract here for another year. guess i'm staying in ra'anana.
oh, and apparently, i am going to the states in sept. it's been 2 years since i've been back. one of my best friends for over 13 years is getting married and since we all have the same friends - i will get to see all my friends as well instead of going cross country - or zig-zagging really. it will be nice. it will be weird. oy, it will be very weird.
i have to start prepping for that now...gaaaaaaah.

except i am not a black man, but you get the point.
oh well.
i have original mario 1-3 for NES on my computer - it just further ensures that i will never pay attention in class...ever.
we have another dog we are fostering. this is number 3 but i think he will stay longer b/c he was an abused dog (his former owners poured acid on his head and his has a huge wound...so fucking sad what people do) so we hold on to him til he gets better. i want a real dog though, probably when i get done w/ school so i can give it attention..i want a pug and i want to name him shemp (from the stooges). but for now, we foster dogs b/c shelters are too full and no one wants to put down cute doggies. and fostering means free food and vet care..so it works. and if it becomes too much, we can give him back to the shelter. though we won't, we like the doggies here.
okay, it's 11pm israel-time, i have an appointment w/ a seamstress tomorrow at 9:30am to get my skirt made for my best friend's wedding in 2.5 weeks. i need to be done w/ 20 papers by then. is it do-able? i hope so. we shall see....
who needs sleep anyway when you can just sleep when you are dead?
oh yea, i officially told my landlord (or really told her english-to-hebrew and vice versa friend) that i want to extend the contract here for another year. guess i'm staying in ra'anana.
oh, and apparently, i am going to the states in sept. it's been 2 years since i've been back. one of my best friends for over 13 years is getting married and since we all have the same friends - i will get to see all my friends as well instead of going cross country - or zig-zagging really. it will be nice. it will be weird. oy, it will be very weird.
i have to start prepping for that now...gaaaaaaah.
good look with the grading and the dress... enjoy the wedding party
Well, did u get 'er done???????