i just got home from seeing my parents in maale adumim for the weekend. i hadn't seen them in over 3 weeks and time was due to see them AND i needed laundry done. see, i never afforded them the "privilege" of doing my laundry for my when i went to university in the states AND i currently don't have a washing machine in my apartment (i refuse to buy it seeing as how i shelled out 1900nis for a brand new fridge and my roommate, who easily makes almost twice as much as i do, would rather spend it on coats that fall apart and boots that looked like some one skinned a smurf). it is 80nis to send my wash to get it cleaned (apparently, raanana doesn't believe in good ol' fashioned laundrymats - you send out our dirty clothes to get done...i have a problem w/ random strangers touching my underware) and it is 80nis round trip for me to see my parents - so, at my parents i get laundry done and home cooked food...it works out in my favor. the only problem is that it is hell to get there and back...it is 3 buses and just a royal pain. plus it can take 2 hours...once it took almost 4. the other thing is that maale adumim is on the otherside of the greenline so there's a checkpoint to go through. usually, on the bus, we don't have to stop. once i was in a cab and had to show the soldier my israeli id but this time, on the bus, the soldiers actually came on to do a quick sweep. it was probably why traffic was backed up and it's due to high tensions in the country b/c of the war in gaza. my dad has to go to the consulate in j'lem to take care of stuff and i had asked why he can't just go to the embassy in tel aviv and he said that the embassy doesn't recognize where my parents live as being "in israel." it's a load of bureaucratic bull shit...but whatever. as the new offspring song states - "shit is fucked up."
i haven't been home this week and i haven't gotten much done. the boy came home from gaza during the week so of course i was w/ him monday - thursday, was home thursday night and back out friday morning. we had another foster dog this past week - he got adopted today but at least i didn't get attached to this one like the last since i wasn't home. i miss sparticus (the dog).
tomorrow i have to go back to the grind. i've slacked off on grading papers and i have to have them done by thursday...friday at the absolute latest. i've done about 10, that leaves me 40 more 10-page papers to go...arg. plus i have to write my article for the journal i am trying to get published in which is due the same day as my decision making final so i want to get that done. and i have massive paper bullshit w/ papers due the next week, one on thursday, one on friday and one due the following sunday. these are all 15-20 page papers that i need to get done as soon as possible as to not screw up my weekends. reason being that soon my boyfriend starts a course for 2 months where he will be home on weekends and so of course, i want to spend it w/ him, and not bogged down w/ stupid papers. the week after is my best friend's wedding (and my sister practically since she is family and took care of me before my parents moved and she lives in raanana too so i go over to her all the time) and i am pretty much her maid of honor but since israeli weddings don't do that, i am just that person there that will take care of her
then i have 2 more papers due 3 weeks after that.
i am already burnt out just thinking about it.
shit, i still have to come up w/ a second set of questions for the final.
yea, i will just set my alarm an hour earlier than i planned.
who needs sleep anyway.
it doesn't look like i will be getting much of that come feb.
and i love my new tattoo and i am already itching for another.
but i must hold back...at least for a little bit
maybe a new piercing next....hmmmm.....
i haven't been home this week and i haven't gotten much done. the boy came home from gaza during the week so of course i was w/ him monday - thursday, was home thursday night and back out friday morning. we had another foster dog this past week - he got adopted today but at least i didn't get attached to this one like the last since i wasn't home. i miss sparticus (the dog).
tomorrow i have to go back to the grind. i've slacked off on grading papers and i have to have them done by thursday...friday at the absolute latest. i've done about 10, that leaves me 40 more 10-page papers to go...arg. plus i have to write my article for the journal i am trying to get published in which is due the same day as my decision making final so i want to get that done. and i have massive paper bullshit w/ papers due the next week, one on thursday, one on friday and one due the following sunday. these are all 15-20 page papers that i need to get done as soon as possible as to not screw up my weekends. reason being that soon my boyfriend starts a course for 2 months where he will be home on weekends and so of course, i want to spend it w/ him, and not bogged down w/ stupid papers. the week after is my best friend's wedding (and my sister practically since she is family and took care of me before my parents moved and she lives in raanana too so i go over to her all the time) and i am pretty much her maid of honor but since israeli weddings don't do that, i am just that person there that will take care of her

then i have 2 more papers due 3 weeks after that.
i am already burnt out just thinking about it.
shit, i still have to come up w/ a second set of questions for the final.
yea, i will just set my alarm an hour earlier than i planned.
who needs sleep anyway.
it doesn't look like i will be getting much of that come feb.
and i love my new tattoo and i am already itching for another.
but i must hold back...at least for a little bit

maybe a new piercing next....hmmmm.....