wanna hear about my exciting day?
it goes this way...
i called my friends in the joisey cause i figure i should i ahve not talked to them in sometime. that is where the bizarro world kicks in. exsisting in 2 different places at the same time. part of me feels like i never left nj. seriously, i call my friends and i am almost ready to say "we should hang out!" but i know that we can't. except when i go home. which is weird. i have a girlfriend in new jersey. i have a bedroom. i have my favorite places to ride bicycles, to read . to write poetry. to hide in the woods. i have one complete parallel life. it just is not weird when i go home. i guess that is why they call it home. which is not to say that i hate sunny portland. i love it here. sometimes i just wish that all my friends would freakin move hear so i could see them once in awhile. hmmm. does it sound like i am homesick. i guess i am. yes you can all laugh at new jersey. i promised to someday reveal my theory of evolution. we all came from nj, but it is more complex then that. oh well, i will explain that later. now it is time for vegan pizza. ohh yeah
i once lived in jersey for a few months...
umm i didn't read the entry but you posted on out thread so i will say hi... and i will add that i hate jersey passionately