i am going to go listen to some trans am and do the dishes. yeah, doesn't that sound exciting. maybe sweep and mop the floor. my days as a vegetable pimp are limited. i just have to hold out until the end of apple season. i mean how the fuck can i resist free organis arkansas black apples all day?? you have not lived until you get off the red delicious apple eating train. seriously. you are a sad and twisted fuck in my opinion if you have not had apples as they are meant to be. damned you safeway! damned you pathmark!! with your waxed and pesticide covered "fruit." plastic apples have as much flavor. grrr. it makes me so angry. i love the fall though. i wish that it could just be pertual autumn weather. maybe it is time to have some apple cider with doing the dishes and rocking out to trans am. i am pretty sure that this will be a good day.
But I like etiquette!