I had to hold my wife as she went to sleep crying tonight. Didn't say much just held her. I know it was a pretty rough day.
Nothing bad happen it was just a very emotional last couple of days for Michael and I think the constant tug of war just trying to keep the little one balance just took its toll.
I got frustrated myself, but I just kept telling myself that though there maybe some worst days ahead there will be plenty of better ones to come. Such is life.
I feel really bad that it was such a hard weekend for Michael. To him I just think he didn't really understand a lot of what he was feeling. The autism really just has him focusing on some that might be really minor in real life but to him is his whole universe at the time.
Like today we went out shopping. We accomplished a lot and got a clickity clack bed for my 18 year old daughter that is coming to stay with us, a screen for her also and a new mattress for Michael and an end table for the living room. But, I noticed when we were leaving that one of my tires looked low, so we stopped and had that looked at first an it turned out to be nothing, but for Michael it was horrible. He was so worried about the car that he couldn't get the car out of his head while we shopped and when we got it back he cried and cried because he thought I got rid of the old tire. It took me an hour to convince him we didn't and it was the same one. It was like he had built a personal relationship with that tire.
Over all just a heavily emotional day.
I promise my next blog will be sunnier.
Nothing bad happen it was just a very emotional last couple of days for Michael and I think the constant tug of war just trying to keep the little one balance just took its toll.
I got frustrated myself, but I just kept telling myself that though there maybe some worst days ahead there will be plenty of better ones to come. Such is life.
I feel really bad that it was such a hard weekend for Michael. To him I just think he didn't really understand a lot of what he was feeling. The autism really just has him focusing on some that might be really minor in real life but to him is his whole universe at the time.
Like today we went out shopping. We accomplished a lot and got a clickity clack bed for my 18 year old daughter that is coming to stay with us, a screen for her also and a new mattress for Michael and an end table for the living room. But, I noticed when we were leaving that one of my tires looked low, so we stopped and had that looked at first an it turned out to be nothing, but for Michael it was horrible. He was so worried about the car that he couldn't get the car out of his head while we shopped and when we got it back he cried and cried because he thought I got rid of the old tire. It took me an hour to convince him we didn't and it was the same one. It was like he had built a personal relationship with that tire.
Over all just a heavily emotional day.
I promise my next blog will be sunnier.
That's really hard I have no idea what that must be like and I really admire parents who can cope with that, I think I would be awful at it. Michael is lucky. <3
you said your next blog will be sunnier, but it hasn't happened...hoping things are brighter in life and you're just too busy to get on here and update us