An old piece (that I may have posted before, for which I'm sorry if I have), but these stories from my time working at homeless shelters in Baltimore have never left me, and they came to my mind tonight and would not go away. My only recourse about such situations is to write about them, but these I had already written about; so, in lieu...
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I'm baaaaaaack....
So, let's see here... I'm still working at the Austin Children's Shelter, even though Child Protective Services is now investigating the incident I reported to them and my management's dishonest response to it (which I also reported), so who knows how long I'll last before people in the upper echelons start to piece together who blew the whistle on their bullshit. I'm also...
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So, let's see here... I'm still working at the Austin Children's Shelter, even though Child Protective Services is now investigating the incident I reported to them and my management's dishonest response to it (which I also reported), so who knows how long I'll last before people in the upper echelons start to piece together who blew the whistle on their bullshit. I'm also...
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I totally remember but didn't realize you'd moved! that's pretty crazy!
it's fucking awesome. I'm never leaving
"Real Talk"
Whenever any of the teens at my shelter are about to say something that they want me to know is completely true and has no element of humor or sarcasm in it, they preface the statement by saying, Real talk," so, seeing as how Im about to talk quite a bit about my job and all that has transpired in the past few...
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Whenever any of the teens at my shelter are about to say something that they want me to know is completely true and has no element of humor or sarcasm in it, they preface the statement by saying, Real talk," so, seeing as how Im about to talk quite a bit about my job and all that has transpired in the past few...
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Don't feel bad about what you did. It was 100% the right thing to do. I hope that something good comes of this, not only for the kids at the shelter but for you as well. 

I want to tell you not to worry. That everything will be alright. That may or may not be true. But you went out on a limb to relocate back to Austin for this job. You went out on a limb and against the grain to do the right thing in this situation. I have to believe that even in this time and world, that societal and culturally correct behaviors are rewarded. I have to believe that for my kids sake...
3 decades of life down, ? to go.
Happy Birthday Bro. Welcome to the 30s. This is the decade when things get interesting...

Happy Birthday, cutie pants!
You definitely do not look 30!

After more than a full year, I'm finally writing again, a novel -- a very long novel, at that (we're talking in the nature of 800 pages, maybe), which I probably won't finish. But at least it feels like I'm doing something again.
In other news, I'm creating a picture log of injuries I've received at work (and, to a lesser extent, during my Krav...
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In other news, I'm creating a picture log of injuries I've received at work (and, to a lesser extent, during my Krav...
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Man, nothing throws a wet blanket over a baseball fan's summer like missing their old yard. I feel you.
What is the novel going to be about?
Man, your body is looking fucking sexy there, Sir! The marks make it even hotter.
Sorry, had to let that perv out.
Man, your body is looking fucking sexy there, Sir! The marks make it even hotter.
Sorry, had to let that perv out.
So, the person with whom I've now had a two-night stand (with possibly a couple more to go, who really knows?) tells me I'm "very good at sex" (her words, after she had come three times last night). Considering she was the one who broke my two-year dry spell last week, during which time I was seriously growing to doubt many things about myself, I'm...
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Two night stands FTW...

Fuck yes! Keep it up! 

Lightning out in the hill country is amazingly beautiful. Seeing an entire tree of lightning spokes stretch forth across the night sky is stunning. I actually pulled my car over on the side of the empty road and just got out and watched for a few minutes. I like city living, but moments like these are really something special.
I bet its beautiful. Take some photos for us! 

I need to have sex. Not a straightforward one-night stand like I had the other night (the first time I had had sex at all in almost two and a half years), but kinky, bondage-laden sex. I haven't done that since I was with the girl I thought I was going to marry, more than three years ago. I could be the dom or the...
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You would be such an adorable bottom

I can just picture seeing those big beautiful eyes filled with fear and excitement below me prior to torturing you. Sigh.
It would be interesting to see those eyes in top space, too!
It would be interesting to see those eyes in top space, too!
There's a kid at work right now that I see a lot of my younger self in. Don't get me wrong, his situation is way more difficult than mine ever was; but when I see how difficult it is for him to fit in with the other boys (and girls), and see how awkward he is around them, and see all the genuine acts of...
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Wow. Yeah therapy would probably help with this job you've got now. I would not be able to deal with seeing so much tragedy, but I commend you for fighting the good fight <3 Sending you lots of love
I do love your updates, even if they are not always happy.. it gives me hope that you are still out there helping these kids.

thanks for the powerbomb advice!! I definitely need to work on that. It's tough working with the group of girls I do since we are all so inexperienced. They're all self taught, and mainly we all just roll around and toss a few cool moves in here and there. So that powerbomb was off like, one week's practice that was basically watching a YouTube video, ha! Now that I'm having proper training I'm pumped to get back out there and improve 

Today I helped keep a good kid who deserves to stay at the shelter where I work out of juvenile lockup, despite the judge assigned to his case being notoriously hard on juvenile offenders. Days like this, I love my job.
Also, thanks to some intense workouts recently, the abdominal "V" now explicitly compliments my six-pack abs. Boo yah.
Also, two weeks ago, this all...
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Also, thanks to some intense workouts recently, the abdominal "V" now explicitly compliments my six-pack abs. Boo yah.
Also, two weeks ago, this all...
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