Theres this one kid at work whos being bullied by several of the others there, and its breaking my heart. Hes such a sweet person kind of mentally slow, but in that innocent way where he just wants to be happy. Ive been doing everything I can to keep him separated from these other boys, but the damn rules by which I have to abide are keeping my hands tied. A girl left to go back home today (honestly, she was one of the best kids Ive ever worked with there) and the last thing she told me was to watch out for this boy. When I also think about what he put up with in his home life before he even got to the shelter, I hate the world for hurting this kid the way he has been. This is really lingering with me its 1:45 in the morning and Im still thinking about this kid and Im on the verge of crying.
And I dont cry.
Im having a very difficult time processing this. There are so many things I want to do to help him, but I dont know any way of actually doing it. I just want to fix the situation, but of course I cant; normally I can accept this sort of limitation, but right now Im really struggling with it. This is hard.
And I dont cry.
Im having a very difficult time processing this. There are so many things I want to do to help him, but I dont know any way of actually doing it. I just want to fix the situation, but of course I cant; normally I can accept this sort of limitation, but right now Im really struggling with it. This is hard.
That shit gets me fucking furious, I would go in there and pull those assholes aside and have 'words' to them, and if they kept doing it, then the gloves would come off. I hate bullies!
What goes around comes back stronger! But thats just me, and I dont really know the politics of your workplace, so only you really know the options, sorry I couldnt offer any better advice than 'fuck those assholes up!'

Ps I just read what you did for a job, I guess my advice would not work in your situation. Sorry. Kids can be real assholes. I was on the receiving end of that sort of thing as a kid, until I got bigger than them, and well lets just say they didnt bully anyone again. I will always stand up against bullies. Two thumbs up for doing the job you do!