Nights like these are emotionally draining. There are the extreme highs and the extreme lows. The high is that I'm really fucking good at my job -- I found out how to get a very withdrawn teen to open up to me, as long as we were sort of talking in code and not specifically referencing him or his life, when NO OTHER staff member had been able to do so. The low is what he revealed, when I read between the lines. You know those movies where you can tell about halfway through that it won't end well, and you find yourself begging the characters to not do certain things and just foolishly hoping that circumstances will turn out differently, even though you know they won't? That's exactly how I feel watching this kid. Only it isn't a movie.
I admire what you do even though I can't do it. I have the patience, just not the correct temperament. Thank you for all that you do to help people and remember to take time for yourself...
Heh, yep! I was recently hacked so changed it to a not so realistic name