So apparently it's been over a month since I updated, wow. Okay, let's see here....
I finally quit Barnes & Noble, after 9 1/2 years (cue "Hallelujah Chorus"). Part of me wanted to stay on just to reach the ten year mark, but another part of me thought that would be even more depressing. I'm working at a homeless shelter now. It's very eye-opening, and never dull, but I actually kind of like it (and it feels very alien to me to actually like my job). I'll tell you one thing: it definitely makes me more thankful for everything that I have. I get to leave at 11:00 every night, but the residents have to stay there. And the best part about the job is that I deal with some residents who are jackasses right on par with my customers at Barnes & Noble, but here I'm not only allowed but encouraged to talk back to them. That does wonders for your psyche.
Although there are times when it gets rough. It's a family shelter, which means teenagers, some of whom are just training for jail. Then there are the young children, who, despite being a pain in the ass sometimes, are just infectiously cute. A few weeks ago, I was really pissed off, and was getting ready to yell at some teens, when this little girl named Michelle and her mother came in for the night. I play with Michelle sometimes, and when she saw me this night, she started jumping up and down and ran full-speed toward me and hugged me around my knees. My bad mood instantly melted (which made it much more difficult to yell at the teens, hah).
It's hard seeing the little kids who are abused, many by their parents there in the shelter when we can't see. We're technically not allowed to do anything unless we see it happen ourselves, but some of them we just know.
And, thankfully, I have two great coworkers on my shift. Unfortunately, the other shifts have terrible ones, and that often results in me having to do things that make me feel like shit, like kicking out people late at night when they don't have anywhere else to go because someone on the day shift fucked up their intake or flat-out lied to them. That's a whole different story, though....
Oh, and my girlfriend and I got a ferret.
So that's me; how are you all?
I finally quit Barnes & Noble, after 9 1/2 years (cue "Hallelujah Chorus"). Part of me wanted to stay on just to reach the ten year mark, but another part of me thought that would be even more depressing. I'm working at a homeless shelter now. It's very eye-opening, and never dull, but I actually kind of like it (and it feels very alien to me to actually like my job). I'll tell you one thing: it definitely makes me more thankful for everything that I have. I get to leave at 11:00 every night, but the residents have to stay there. And the best part about the job is that I deal with some residents who are jackasses right on par with my customers at Barnes & Noble, but here I'm not only allowed but encouraged to talk back to them. That does wonders for your psyche.
Although there are times when it gets rough. It's a family shelter, which means teenagers, some of whom are just training for jail. Then there are the young children, who, despite being a pain in the ass sometimes, are just infectiously cute. A few weeks ago, I was really pissed off, and was getting ready to yell at some teens, when this little girl named Michelle and her mother came in for the night. I play with Michelle sometimes, and when she saw me this night, she started jumping up and down and ran full-speed toward me and hugged me around my knees. My bad mood instantly melted (which made it much more difficult to yell at the teens, hah).
It's hard seeing the little kids who are abused, many by their parents there in the shelter when we can't see. We're technically not allowed to do anything unless we see it happen ourselves, but some of them we just know.
And, thankfully, I have two great coworkers on my shift. Unfortunately, the other shifts have terrible ones, and that often results in me having to do things that make me feel like shit, like kicking out people late at night when they don't have anywhere else to go because someone on the day shift fucked up their intake or flat-out lied to them. That's a whole different story, though....
Oh, and my girlfriend and I got a ferret.
So that's me; how are you all?
For some reason, this highlight reel omits his 97 yard TD pass to Roy "Snake Oil" Roundtree.