Started writing a new novel; this one will be much more marketable than my other one. But I don't have near as much time to write now as I did with my earlier one, mainly because, in Austin, I could write at work (I probably wrote a good 300 of the 500 total pages while working). But this book is going to be shorter, maybe no more than 300 pages. I just wish I had more time to work on it, and a place to write (the library is good, but they close at 5:00 on Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays, which is usually the only time I have to wrtie these days).
I'm just so sick of this living day-to-day life, and depending on a retail job for sustenance. I want out of this so badly.
And I keep having dreams where I'm back in college, and I realize that I've skipped one or several classes all semester and that I have to make an appearance in them to not get kicked out. I don't know why this same theme keeps popping up....
I'm just so sick of this living day-to-day life, and depending on a retail job for sustenance. I want out of this so badly.
And I keep having dreams where I'm back in college, and I realize that I've skipped one or several classes all semester and that I have to make an appearance in them to not get kicked out. I don't know why this same theme keeps popping up....
And what is the deal with having to write at the library and work? Is there a reason you cant write at home? Do you not have a private place in which you can relax and open up your thinking cap to all the crazy ideas in your crazy little head?
I know what it is to be a retail slave, and for many many years. But one thing you have over me ... is that you're almost done with that bullshit!! Look ahead instead of looking into the present. You've come a long damn way and damnit it shows and WILL pay off greatly.
Sorry about the oversight. Happy belated birthday. Better late than never, I guess.