Still waiting to hear from the second (well, technicall third, but the second just never responded) agent I submitted my book to. Today I decided I should start on a second one, but not the second book in the trilogy -- if the first one gets picked up, I can start worrying about the second one then. No, for now, I think I should focus on something singular, self-contained. There are several I could do, but as of this moment, really two I could see myself sticking with over the next few months. One is a quasi-fantasy about a world in between Heaven and Hell, filled with both angels, demons, and a bunch of things in between, and another is a story about a high school shooting. I think I'm going to send an e-mail to the agent I met in Austin to gauge her interest in either possible book.
But something needs to happen, soon. I hope. Money is incredibly tight right now. I'm actually going hungry a few days a week simply because I can't afford food. Times are tough all around, and a lot of people have it worse than me, so I really can't complain, but these past couple weeks have been rough. It just feels like I'm so close to breaking through with my writing, but still so far away. Age old problem, huh?
And hey, at least the Texas Longhorns are giving me reason to cheer.
13 days 'til the election... please Lord, let Obama win....
But something needs to happen, soon. I hope. Money is incredibly tight right now. I'm actually going hungry a few days a week simply because I can't afford food. Times are tough all around, and a lot of people have it worse than me, so I really can't complain, but these past couple weeks have been rough. It just feels like I'm so close to breaking through with my writing, but still so far away. Age old problem, huh?
And hey, at least the Texas Longhorns are giving me reason to cheer.
13 days 'til the election... please Lord, let Obama win....
I don't know what's going to happen first, election day or my going insane. I've become totally paranoid about Obama's chances of winning, despite the polls and the opinions of the "talking heads". I wish I could be more optimistic. It's just that I still see so much racism even here in New York City. If that's the case, I wonder what it must be like in other, less liberal parts of the country.
Sorry if this post sounds a lot like my last one. Just had to vent.