So I got accepted into Roosevelt University in Chicago the other day, which is awesome, but it now presents a problem. Chicago is a great city, and my girlfriend has always loved it and wanted to live there, but Baltimore is close to Philadelphia, where my parents live, and I've always been fascinated by its culture (yes, that included the bad parts -- it's part of my stupid writer's curiosity). I think I would honestly be happy in both cities (though Chicago, as a city, does have more appeal). However, if I pick Baltimore, I'm worried that my girlfriend will resent it. She'll go with me wherever I choose, and she won't complain or try to influence me, but I'm afraid that, deep down, she'll be upset with me for not picking Chicago. I'm not basing my decision on that, but it will influence how I feel about my decision.
The main problem with both schools is that neither offers any sort of paid TA or internship program, which I really wanted.
Anyway, I'm making a marathon trip starting Saturday, where I'll take a 6:40 AM flight (yes, you read that right) to Philadelphia, where I'll spend a couple days with my parents. Then we'll drive down to Baltimore on Monday and I'll visit the University, and then early on Tuesday I'll fly to Chicago to visit Roosevelt that very afternoon/night (when most of their classes are). Then I'll leave Chicago early Wednesday morning and fly back to Austin, where I'll play in a softball game on Wednesday night and then most likely open work on Thursday morning. Oh yeah, and I might close work on the Friday night before I leave at that ungodly hour on Saturday.... Fun times.
In any event, Roosevelt wants me to make a quick decision. The only other school I'm seriously interested in is N.C. State and they haven't gotten back to me yet. I don't want to rush my choice, but I may have to. I suppose I shouldn't be complaining about any of this, seeing as how I've been accepted to two schools, but this whole decision thing has just gotten almost as stressing as wondering if I would be accepted to any school at all. And I really wish Roosevelt could give me some more time before they wanted my decision....
Oh, and as a side note, I just got a rejection letter from Penn State -- and I had completely forgotten I even applied there.
The main problem with both schools is that neither offers any sort of paid TA or internship program, which I really wanted.
Anyway, I'm making a marathon trip starting Saturday, where I'll take a 6:40 AM flight (yes, you read that right) to Philadelphia, where I'll spend a couple days with my parents. Then we'll drive down to Baltimore on Monday and I'll visit the University, and then early on Tuesday I'll fly to Chicago to visit Roosevelt that very afternoon/night (when most of their classes are). Then I'll leave Chicago early Wednesday morning and fly back to Austin, where I'll play in a softball game on Wednesday night and then most likely open work on Thursday morning. Oh yeah, and I might close work on the Friday night before I leave at that ungodly hour on Saturday.... Fun times.
In any event, Roosevelt wants me to make a quick decision. The only other school I'm seriously interested in is N.C. State and they haven't gotten back to me yet. I don't want to rush my choice, but I may have to. I suppose I shouldn't be complaining about any of this, seeing as how I've been accepted to two schools, but this whole decision thing has just gotten almost as stressing as wondering if I would be accepted to any school at all. And I really wish Roosevelt could give me some more time before they wanted my decision....
Oh, and as a side note, I just got a rejection letter from Penn State -- and I had completely forgotten I even applied there.
So .. how many schools are left? Hopefully there are some u are waiting on that DO have internship programs. I can say that everyone Ive known that lives or has lived in NC has hated it a great deal. I mean, the scenery is pretty ... but thats abt it, Im afraid.
Best luck to u in your choices, I know u will probably always wonder if u made the right one, no matter WHICH school u choose!