Whatever happened to the "roll" part of "Rock 'N Roll?" I should start a roll band; it'd be pretty original.
Where the hell has James Cameron been? Remember when he actually directed a movie that made Tom Arnold funny (True Lies)?
Fans of the "torture porn" genre sometimes like to claim that, by indulging in all sorts of stomach-churning individual violence, the movies are really making a statement condemning America's prediliction with violence and propensity to excuse torture. By that logic, couldn't I get drunk every night and self-righteously claim I'm doing it to make a point about alcoholism?
Why is the English language slowly being reduced to all monosyllabic words? You see it a lot in sports -- the Astros are now unofficially the 'Stros, the Supersonics just the Sonics, the Volunteers the Vols, and so on. Are we really that lazy that we can't go the extra mile and say ONE MORE SYLLABLE?
FedEx stands for Federal Express. Today I saw a truck labelled FedEx Express. Isn't that Federal Express Express?
Why is it that just because something's completely random it's now considered great comedy? Remember the times when comedy writers actually had to work for laughs? That's why I love Lewis Black and George Carlin; they understand the work ethic.
If I end up in Baltimore for grad school, I'll actually consider buying a gun for protection. I hate guns. But the University of Baltimore is right downtown, and it's not exactly the safest city in America. Being from the midwest, I'd feel like I need something to help defend myself. I don't like it. Misunderstandings tend to happen, and guns aren't things you want around in those scenarios. I don't like this line of thinking one bit.
Where the hell has James Cameron been? Remember when he actually directed a movie that made Tom Arnold funny (True Lies)?
Fans of the "torture porn" genre sometimes like to claim that, by indulging in all sorts of stomach-churning individual violence, the movies are really making a statement condemning America's prediliction with violence and propensity to excuse torture. By that logic, couldn't I get drunk every night and self-righteously claim I'm doing it to make a point about alcoholism?
Why is the English language slowly being reduced to all monosyllabic words? You see it a lot in sports -- the Astros are now unofficially the 'Stros, the Supersonics just the Sonics, the Volunteers the Vols, and so on. Are we really that lazy that we can't go the extra mile and say ONE MORE SYLLABLE?
FedEx stands for Federal Express. Today I saw a truck labelled FedEx Express. Isn't that Federal Express Express?
Why is it that just because something's completely random it's now considered great comedy? Remember the times when comedy writers actually had to work for laughs? That's why I love Lewis Black and George Carlin; they understand the work ethic.
If I end up in Baltimore for grad school, I'll actually consider buying a gun for protection. I hate guns. But the University of Baltimore is right downtown, and it's not exactly the safest city in America. Being from the midwest, I'd feel like I need something to help defend myself. I don't like it. Misunderstandings tend to happen, and guns aren't things you want around in those scenarios. I don't like this line of thinking one bit.
I got twenty or so rejections before I made the first sale, and then it was four years before I sold the novel. It's...uh. A shitty business.
Calling the Astro's the 'stros makes absolutely no sense to me.