Getting ready to go to work overnight tonight to get the store ready for Black Friday. 9pm to 4am, it's a bit off but I don't really have a life so it's not big deal and I do get overtime for it. I'll also be heading in at midnight tomorrow, for a 10 hour shift, since that's when we open on Friday, but again I'll still have time to hang out at my sister's and enjoy the food, family and fun before I get back home and take a nap before going back to work. Thank God for Stacker 2 6 hour energy drinks.
Oh well, here's hoping you have more free time to enjoy the holidays.
And for those who also work retail, it's only a couple more months of chaos before we can take a breath again.

Oh well, here's hoping you have more free time to enjoy the holidays.
And for those who also work retail, it's only a couple more months of chaos before we can take a breath again.

Thanks for u love on my set 

Thanks for your com on my new set!