So, I got my girl an account on SG. Anyone interested in consoling her in not being able to be a Girl can go check out "Marty_McSuperFly". Take a guess at what her first set was gonna be about.
In any case, I need something to do. If any of you have any fun ideas, post 'em. Sweet dreams.
P.S. My shoulder's being nibbled on. I gotta go. Now.

In any case, I need something to do. If any of you have any fun ideas, post 'em. Sweet dreams.
P.S. My shoulder's being nibbled on. I gotta go. Now.

I can't wait to see your sexy new James Bond Stealth Camera. I hope you don't use it to stealthly take pictures of me in compromising positions... 

Good luck on shooting her set; I like the username. She should be "Superfly Suicide"...