so i think i might be a morning person, but i'm not sure if i am. as it turns out, i really like not talking to anyone in the morning for about an hour or so. it has nothing to do with the time of day, it has more to do with not wanting to deal with anyone for a while. Days like today, the wife has to work early and my whole little world gets all fucked up. it's sad how fragile i am. how having to speak with her, returning what should be pleasant conversation becomes a source of anger. having the mirror fog up from her shower while i'm trying to shave. having to listen to her weird dreams.
these things should be plesant to me, little reminders of our relationship, but instead, at 6:33 am, they make me want to not have to deal with anyone. So does that make me a morning person, in that i look forward to my "quiet time" in teh mornings, or am i not a morning person, b/c when i have to deal with the real world and can't perform my little routine, i get all pissy?
these things should be plesant to me, little reminders of our relationship, but instead, at 6:33 am, they make me want to not have to deal with anyone. So does that make me a morning person, in that i look forward to my "quiet time" in teh mornings, or am i not a morning person, b/c when i have to deal with the real world and can't perform my little routine, i get all pissy?