totally exhusted.
prolly about 3 hrs of sleep last nite. between my usual apnea type fitfullenss and the people yelling outside the bar across the street, i didn't get much of anything in terms of sleep. it's weird, i used to go days with out sleep, and it wouldn't bother me. now it totally messes me up. i'm out of it. I have been trying to mock up these pages all day and the html is just crossing over and over. i can't keep anything straight....
what to do?
oh yeah. drinks after work. that's what i will do
or should i just go home and finish up the that's a toughy....let's see if a rhetorical question will work?
What should i social, or be antisocial and hit the martinis?
have a good weekend
prolly about 3 hrs of sleep last nite. between my usual apnea type fitfullenss and the people yelling outside the bar across the street, i didn't get much of anything in terms of sleep. it's weird, i used to go days with out sleep, and it wouldn't bother me. now it totally messes me up. i'm out of it. I have been trying to mock up these pages all day and the html is just crossing over and over. i can't keep anything straight....
what to do?
oh yeah. drinks after work. that's what i will do
or should i just go home and finish up the that's a toughy....let's see if a rhetorical question will work?
What should i social, or be antisocial and hit the martinis?
have a good weekend
I've no idea what the breakdown is, but I would guess that much less people go to theatres than strip clubs and porn shops. Plus his sample was limited completely to one area which is kind of shady.