one more day till halloween



one more day till halloween

silver shamrock
shit, office halloween contest, normally, as lame as it is, i'd be all over that, but closing on our house on friday...what to do? can't think of a costume that will serve 2 purposes....

one more day till halloween



one more day till halloween

silver shamrock
right so i never post anything, and well no one really sees it, so i suppose it's not biggie. I really like having this site to look at when i get bored with working. at the same time, i'm not sure that it's the sort of thing i should be looking at when i'm bored with work. ah well i guess i'll know when they...
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actually, today was a pretty good day. the boss was away, so i did nothing but mess around with the code for my site, which still doesn't do what i want, but it was fun and educational to do. then came martini hour, which is always good.

then i gave the wife her anniversary present. she loves it. which is good. she did not get...
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trying to convice my friend sean to move to baltimore and start a band. we need bassist and drummer. female preferred. 90% chance that this'll never come together, but if it were to, it would be some good shit, i know it.

we visited my sister and my newborn nephew this weekend. he is as cute as babies can be. sadly, this did not stir paternialistic stirrings in me. the spot light in on me to start wanting to get the kid wanting going. i can see how people have that drive, but for what ever reason, i cannot muster it for myself. i can't think of...
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so i think i might be a morning person, but i'm not sure if i am. as it turns out, i really like not talking to anyone in the morning for about an hour or so. it has nothing to do with the time of day, it has more to do with not wanting to deal with anyone for a while. Days like today, the...
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saturday i went to my wife's 10 year high school reunion. it was a very very odd experience. She went to a pretty small private school, bascially for very wealthy kids, she got in with financial aid and such. my family lives in a pretty well to do town, but never really fit in as they didn't have all that much money kicking around,and thus...
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totally exhusted.
prolly about 3 hrs of sleep last nite. between my usual apnea type fitfullenss and the people yelling outside the bar across the street, i didn't get much of anything in terms of sleep. it's weird, i used to go days with out sleep, and it wouldn't bother me. now it totally messes me up. i'm out of it. I have been trying...
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I've no idea what the breakdown is, but I would guess that much less people go to theatres than strip clubs and porn shops. Plus his sample was limited completely to one area which is kind of shady.
right so, i have several different outlets when i actually want to say something. so, in effect, posting on this site is redundant, but acutally , i can't get past this need to post some thoughts, at least somewhere, and if i were to post them else where, it would be bad, very bad. ok well not that bad. but still...

september was a very...
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man, i almost posted something to a board today, i dont think i'm ready to come out from the corner yet. i shouldn't even be here to begin with, so i don't think it's worth calling attention to myself. it's pretty cliche, the posting, to see if someone 'discovers' it. i think the trick is to really not draw attention to myself. i
Happy birthday!!! kiss
why is it that all week, all i want to do is sleep in, past say 10 or so, but on the weekend i wake up at 8 and i am awake and not tired. is it all because i don't like getting up to work? this is cool, i don't think anyone notices these posts.