This is my last blog in Hawaii for who nose how long and it's not a happy one.
The other day was nothing special Fri and Sat I watched Vandread. Then Sat night saw a movie with Carana and Tracey and her exbf who are just friends..............Right!

Who are they Bullshiting? So Corina and me saw The Haunting in Conn.. It was ok for a PG-13 but as far as horror movies nowhere close. Tracey and her ex said there were no seats left which is Bullshit there was and did something else. Tracey also sent me a text saying not to put arms around here or kiss.That's either becuase she doesn't like me(more on that later) or her because her ex was there who is just a friend.........yeah right. Who are they trying to fool?
Earlier I found these three nail care I bought in December. Forgot I had them. So I decided to give one to my grandmother and the others to Tracey and Carina. So I gave Carina hers first she said thanks then I gave the other to Traey later on. She didn't say thank you but what she did say was "OK" then put in under the drivers seat of her car and said that she was going home...............
Post movie............
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So anyway I was on my way hone when Carina called andsaid we should go to Tracey's house and hang out. So I picked her up we said outside Tracey's just talking alittle till we inside. Had a few drinks eat some food. Here's where it started to go to shit.
Bad things............
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Tracey asked me why I like her and I told her. Then I asked her why she liked me she said "I don't know"Which means she didn't or she didn't like me. I'm guessing the second. Because I tried to get close to her and spend time with her Thu and Sat but she keep pushing me away.I asked her again if she liked me or not. Once again "I don't know". I f you didn't like someone why would you waste theres or yours time hanging out with them?Just seems like a big waste especially sinse her cousin Carina likes. I could of spend time with her and gotten to know her. So I wrote Tracey/bitch a letter before I left her house letting her know how I feel
and for a while I felt better then I felt like crap..........whcih I've been feeling for 2 weeks now.
Also I left the BITCHES house and slept in my car. Probally shouldn't of done that. But after getting my answer from Tracey without her telling me. And one of them deciding to have Carina to punch me in the balls.
How that happened..........
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So I was lying down alittle mad not so much though.They were talking about some concert Tracey went to Fr and I herd some guys name that Tracey said. Then I started to drift to sleep then. POW! Punch to the balls and I got up and did something I never thought I do. I hit Tracey not really hard and went after Carina and eventually hit her too. Once again not that hard. Then I sat down and didn't say anything. They keep asking because 5 minutes and I didn't say a word "what's wrong?" they didn't know. They still aked whats wrong and if I was mad at one of them I said"no" but they the answer. I don't think they liked that. Now they know what it's like to have someone want to know whats wrong and want to help get mad at them.
So they keep asking me and keep pissing me off.They wrote on a piece of paper questions. After a few of those I wrote "I'm going to sleep in my car" Then went into my car and locked the doors. They keep shaking it and rocking it, Knocking on the windows trying to open the doors. Eventually I rolled down the window alittle and asked "What".
Almost done...............
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Tracey said that Carina wanted her stuff so I rolled the window down more to give her her stuff. But they keep trying to get in. Eventually they did and sat in my car asking me what's wrong. I wrote on my phone"I don't feel like talking right now.Leave me the fuck alone" and showed them. They still keep asking what's wrong I just there and didn't answer. arina got the hint and left. Tracey stayed and keep asking me "Why don't you talk to me?". I wrote on my phone "I don't feel like talking right now. I'll talk to you later'. She said whatever and left and didn't come back for the rest of the night.
The next day..........
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The next day or morning whatever. I went back to her house an she let me in and didn't say a word. She was on her computer and I sat down and started to read a newspaper.Her mom woke up and she made me some tea. That made me feel alittle better.Then Tracey's niece woke up and Carina not long after that.Then Tracy's mom made pancakes. Which were the best blueberry pancakes ever.Anyway Carina still asked me what's wrong and if I was mad or still mad. I didn't answer. So after eating Carina and Tracey got ready and left with Tracey's niece to get another niece or two she has a pretty big family. To take them to see Monsters vs. Aliens. Before they left I said bye to Tracey's mom and thanked her for the tea and pancakes.Then gave Tracey the letter I wrote before I left and said bye to Carina.Because she said it first.
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So that's it I've never been in that kind of situation before.Going from two people who like each other.To only one person (me) liking the other to I think just friends,to less than that. Alln in the time of half a week.I think that is some kind of record.Oh well leaving this place doesn't hurt now. Can be sad about leaving a place where soeone you like doesn't like you anyomre.But I think I might enjoy it that way. I wanted to meet both of them before or at the airport before I left. But I don't think I could if Tracey would be there.
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Now I see the times they change
leaving doesn't seems so strange
I am hoping I can find
where to leave my hurt behind
All this shit I seem to take
all alone I seem to break
I have lived the best I can
Does this make me not a man?
KoRn-Alone I break
I can relate to that.