I've decided to do a new blog...........I'm sure that nobody really cares.to begin with. So here goes. I've decided to quit a few things. I've decided to quit being a nice person and start being an asshole. Maybe that way more goods things will happen for me.I've had quite alot of bad things happen to me in the last 12-13 months. I know I was a nice guy 96% of the time,so why?
I've also decided to quit drawing becuase I'm worse now than ever. I've taken breaks fromdrawing beforeand gotten back in the swing of things. But this time is differant. Maybe something is telling me to give up something I've been doing ever since I was a kid.Something I use a way to express myself.............(bad example),something I use as a stress relief.
I've decided to stop helping out. I've done alot and gotten little thanks for it.I've done a few things for a few people some thanked me and others acted like I never existed. And my personal favorite they don't thank me later on. Like the remembered and went "oh crap jeffy did that".
Also I've decided to stop looking for that special someone.For the simple that it's not going to happen. They say that there's someone for everybody............."BULL FUCKING SHIT".What they mean is that there someone for some people and not others. That's me I'm the other. Sometimes I think I should just kill myself................hmmmmmmmmmmmm sounds like a 50/50 idea there. Why is it that I problems talking to people? Even the ones I work with.Why is it that when ever I meet a girl that I like (i.e high school,work,online,SG............which is really wierd but anyway) thety either are seeing someone eles (which happens alot) or they live a milliom mles away (also happens alot).And that htere a 99% chance I will never ever meet them in real life.
So that's it and oh yeah I wouldn't know what to do. They say"follow your heart". Again more b.s that's just a bad idea and would end well. It would be something like me saying or doing something akward. And then BAM I blew it.
So that's that Iquit drawing,being a nice person,looking for anyone special and,quit carring about myself and just about everyone I can think of (just leaving some family memebers and people her nand some on myspace :whatever
And anything that would resort in me being happy.And.............oh wait that's happend/happening already.Wait a minute why am I writing this? Does anyoneeven care.....................noone noone didn't think so.
I've also decided to quit drawing becuase I'm worse now than ever. I've taken breaks fromdrawing beforeand gotten back in the swing of things. But this time is differant. Maybe something is telling me to give up something I've been doing ever since I was a kid.Something I use a way to express myself.............(bad example),something I use as a stress relief.
I've decided to stop helping out. I've done alot and gotten little thanks for it.I've done a few things for a few people some thanked me and others acted like I never existed. And my personal favorite they don't thank me later on. Like the remembered and went "oh crap jeffy did that".
Also I've decided to stop looking for that special someone.For the simple that it's not going to happen. They say that there's someone for everybody............."BULL FUCKING SHIT".What they mean is that there someone for some people and not others. That's me I'm the other. Sometimes I think I should just kill myself................hmmmmmmmmmmmm sounds like a 50/50 idea there. Why is it that I problems talking to people? Even the ones I work with.Why is it that when ever I meet a girl that I like (i.e high school,work,online,SG............which is really wierd but anyway) thety either are seeing someone eles (which happens alot) or they live a milliom mles away (also happens alot).And that htere a 99% chance I will never ever meet them in real life.
So that's it and oh yeah I wouldn't know what to do. They say"follow your heart". Again more b.s that's just a bad idea and would end well. It would be something like me saying or doing something akward. And then BAM I blew it.
So that's that Iquit drawing,being a nice person,looking for anyone special and,quit carring about myself and just about everyone I can think of (just leaving some family memebers and people her nand some on myspace :whatever

family guy owns!
hahah well thank you