Hey everyone long time since I did much of anything here. Finally got around to do one of these. And doing it while watching Wrestlemaina 29 so far not good. But anyway back to other things what I've been up to.
Got to Hawaii My wife got a hotel room we stayed there for a few days not doing much just relaxing. Went to... Read More
omg it is so true. i have been reading American Gods since like January. it usually takes me a few days to a week to finish a book. so embarrassing. my brain is melting
Writing what will be my last blog in Germany. Had a alot of good/bad/awkward/sad/happy/funny/annoying/ strange times here. Now going back to Hawaii to do my other job being a husband and with the way my wife talks (I just think she's lonely) she wants me to be a father but like I said lonely. Hopefuly I'll come back here again.
Don't know what else to... Read More
Hello boys and girls it's you're old pal Stinky Wizzleteats. So anyway nothing new really hard to belive I'll be 25 tomorrow. Before no time I'll be saying my knees and back hurt......................hey wait.Shit!
The one thing I want the most is on the other side of the planet which sucks. Especially now that she goy her fun bags so she can stop bugging me... Read More
Thanks to everyone it means alot. My wife is getting by it's hard since she's alone at her place right now. I'm stuck on the other side of the planet I'm just counting down the days til I see her again.
Other than things are bland out of Afghanistan and working already. Be glad when I leave Germany well bitter sweet I like Germany but... Read More
Hello boys and girls how are things? First I want to a moment of silence for all the people effected by happened in Japan....................................................................................................(this represents the silence)........................................................................................................
So ok back to blog I've been married for a whole month now.Too bad I was married for two days before I had to go back to to Afghanistan. Had a great time. Was planning on going to... Read More
Hey time for a new blog. Currently on leave spending time with my lady enjoying it much. Right now watching Return of The King. Watched the Super Bowl. The Steelers lost *sad face* Went hiking,swiming,snorkling and many other things. About half way done but gonna live up the rest of the time I'm here.
Ok vids...................................
About time I got around to doing a new blog. So here we go let's see nothing really new. It's cold here in Afganistan I hate it with a passion some people like cold I never did at all. In 24 years never have. But enough about back to the blog.
Been trying a new workout and its kicking my but every time.But I guess... Read More
"Remember,remember the 5th of November............" Hello from Afghanistan how are things? Things are going ok as well as they should be I guess.Anyway some sets from some SG's you check out. Vivid: Decay Siv:je reviens Viking:Gloom Fighter Noidd:Southern Crow
And many more just look around people.
Off sublect.......................
Hello boys and girls. How are things? Nothing new here.............................I'm almost reading another Lovecraft book.It's the Cthulu Mythos. Good stuff check it out. I also have Reggie Watts Why Shit So Crazy? Funny as hell people. Now for some vids. Like what I normally do.
thank you very much for the time, support, comments and love on my new set.
kisses and hugs!