Well my girl and I have decided that we are going to get married. We set the date last night and it will be October 31st 2008. Yes it's on Halloween. My family should enjoy the day and the fact that they kind have met her. Tia and I met almost ten years ago in high school. We dated for the last two years of myself being in high school and well it was interesting. Her foster parents hated me for probably the right reasons. I was older and we were sleeping together and skipping school to sleep with one another. So her family never let her see me at that time so they never really met her. They did meet her briefly at my graduation, but I think my mom is the only one who remembers her. Well for the most part of the last ten years we've been apart. I got engaged and she got married which she is in the middle of the divorce from him. But in the last few years we keep running into each other. So earlier in the year when she called me to go out for her birthday we started talking again. Nothing happened until he was gone, and then we picked up right were we left off. The last few months have been really great being with her again.
