i had my final encounter with "chuck" the quixtar guy. he decided that he needed to come and pick up his motivational cd instead of me bringing it back to him. he proceeded to ask me why i didn't like the business plan anymore. i told him that the numbers didn't add up and the plan didn't make sense. he then went to analogy city.
"who would you talk to about golf, a guy who picked a club once or tiger woods". ( like i'm going to get a chance to talk to tiger woods)) i also told him that if he had mentioned that Alticor was the parent company to Amway, it would have been "no deal" from the start.
"o, why is that mosfozzy?" more analogies and "amway doesn't do business in this country anymore" (because they decided to get all the other suckers around the world they can get)
He talked for more than an hour...i was a wall, the prince of patience...then he stepped over the line many times: quoting scripture, telling me that he was a born again christian (like hey, you can trust me , brother) and finally, "mosfozzy, i'm sorry, i thot u were SHARPER THAN THAT."
in essence, i told him to fuck off and slammed the door in his smug face.
"who would you talk to about golf, a guy who picked a club once or tiger woods". ( like i'm going to get a chance to talk to tiger woods)) i also told him that if he had mentioned that Alticor was the parent company to Amway, it would have been "no deal" from the start.
"o, why is that mosfozzy?" more analogies and "amway doesn't do business in this country anymore" (because they decided to get all the other suckers around the world they can get)
He talked for more than an hour...i was a wall, the prince of patience...then he stepped over the line many times: quoting scripture, telling me that he was a born again christian (like hey, you can trust me , brother) and finally, "mosfozzy, i'm sorry, i thot u were SHARPER THAN THAT."
in essence, i told him to fuck off and slammed the door in his smug face.

Tell him marybee said that the stick in his butt is starting to make him walk funny.