you know, before i start working on this new design project. i had also come to another realization. i wonder if many of you, if any, actually know who i'm talking about when i refer to the bad brains. i hope when i post the cover of i against i it doesn't freak any of you out. don't be afraid of the two black guys on the cover because madonna isn't afraid of them,and she's part of the social elite(supposedly). it was definitly a historical american hardcore album.i against i speaks of the social interactions of people within their exclusive scenes and society's view on the individual. it also speaks of the individual's contradictory actions toward their own best interest, spiritually, mentally, and physically. of course what i'm saying is complete bullshit, because i don't have a million dollars in my back pocket and i rent the house i live in i don't own it.

I thought she would only answer to "Esther" now or some crap because of her religion....