good morning, while preparing to go to work today i realized something, actually i realized it while doing my daily stroll through S.G. i've never been a "COOL GUY". a) none of the bands that i've ever listened to applied lipgloss or eye liner. b) some of them can actually play their instruments. c) the majority of them had a some what decent lyrical content. d) and some of the line up included minorities, ie;can and the bad brains. e) dreadlocks? maybe because the bad brains where four black dudes, but they still rocked,or at least i thought so. i'm not hip at all i guess thats why i'm the way that i am. i like not being cool, it's fun, and it annoys the shit out of some peaple when you put in your two cents worth....

do you remember when that guy got killed with a machete outside the apartments behind the mall (not FSK the other mall)... yeah, that happened 20 feet from my bedroom window... ack!
same age, hmph.. Id be surprised if we dont know some of the same people...its been a few years since I've been back there but... I was pretty involved with the scene when I lived there... and I knew a bunch of the local skaters...
*addin ya*
my guys are currently on the road...and hope to stay there.
i hate to be pessimistic....but a lot of things need to change here for pittsburgh to get back to general respectability. there always has been and always will be a talented underground, though.
i'm currently streaming nova express. is that you?