Well Ive had a bit of a strange day. (well not that strange) After going to class this morning, I ended up spending essentially the next 6 hours reading Stranger in a Strange Land by Robert Heinlein while I waited in between my morning class and evening class. Anyways, after finishing the book I ended up spending the entire buss ride home contemplating the meaning of life (which is somthing I havnt really done for years).
Maybe it was just the fact that I havnt had much sleep lately (and was fighting off nodding off all day) , but I basically came to the conclusion that we are here because the universe deserves to be understood and appreciated. Our goal should be to come to a complete understanding with evreythign.
Meh, Im not normally so reflective (well occasionally, when I've got nothing to do and nothing else on my mind to think about). My guess is that the reason I had this in my mind was because of the importance of "groking" in the book The definition from whatis,com basically summerized what I understood the term to mean while reading ("Grok: to understand something so well that it is fully absorbed into oneself".
Anyways, once again, Im posting while I should be sleeping.G 'Night
Maybe it was just the fact that I havnt had much sleep lately (and was fighting off nodding off all day) , but I basically came to the conclusion that we are here because the universe deserves to be understood and appreciated. Our goal should be to come to a complete understanding with evreythign.
Meh, Im not normally so reflective (well occasionally, when I've got nothing to do and nothing else on my mind to think about). My guess is that the reason I had this in my mind was because of the importance of "groking" in the book The definition from whatis,com basically summerized what I understood the term to mean while reading ("Grok: to understand something so well that it is fully absorbed into oneself".
Anyways, once again, Im posting while I should be sleeping.G 'Night