well i changed my name to the one i use most other places. don't know why i didn't just use this in the first place. oh well. now nobody's gonna know who i am all over again.
i'm very lonely. i'm on month nine of an enforced one year of solitude. i thought it would be a good idea to be by myself for awhile and figure out exactly what kind of person i am. and it's been eye-opening. and tough.
i'm a serial monogamist. i yearn for someone to share my life with. to discover something silly, insignificant, and turn to your lover and share a thrilled grin.. that's the best feeling in the world. these last nine months haven't had many grins. i need a shoulder to laugh & cry on. maybe i'll cut the year short.
i'm very lonely. i'm on month nine of an enforced one year of solitude. i thought it would be a good idea to be by myself for awhile and figure out exactly what kind of person i am. and it's been eye-opening. and tough.
i'm a serial monogamist. i yearn for someone to share my life with. to discover something silly, insignificant, and turn to your lover and share a thrilled grin.. that's the best feeling in the world. these last nine months haven't had many grins. i need a shoulder to laugh & cry on. maybe i'll cut the year short.
hell yeah, grave of fireflies is one of my favorite animated movies. i think that studio ghibli and miyazaki put out the best anime films. did you see miyazakis new film spirited away? its pretty sweet...it comes out on dvd in september i think.
i did the whole "i vant to be alone" thing too, in melbourne, for a while. it didn't work out so well. i mean, towards the end i fell in love and got married.