ok, creative juices are at an all-time low. the well is dry, the bucket is gone and down by the crick there's nothing but cracked dirt and fish flopping around in the grass.
i think i need to draw a series of something. the same thing many times over, a little different each time. what do you think? what should i draw? give me a theme. i need some outside input or i'll just end up drawing birch trees and angry men like i always do.
i think i need to draw a series of something. the same thing many times over, a little different each time. what do you think? what should i draw? give me a theme. i need some outside input or i'll just end up drawing birch trees and angry men like i always do.
oh wait....
i love toronto, but i'm stuck here at the lush campus of our university. at least i get to corrupt the squeeky-clean daddy's girls who want to get dangerous.
(not really, but a man has to have a plan, no?)