SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Your recent "experiment" reminds me of the Malaysian performance artist who locked herself in a glass box with 2,700 scorpions, hoping to remain there for 30 days. After being stung by the poisonous arachnids seven times, she almost left early. Ultimately, though, she toughed it out. I figure you are at a point in your own adventure where you've managed to survive the equivalent of five stings, Scorpio. But in my opinion you've already proved your point. I suggest you finish the "experiment" immediately.
five sounds just about right. i suppose its good to just walk away sometimes. the bullshit drama that constitutes other peoples personalities is just a time waster anyhow.
five sounds just about right. i suppose its good to just walk away sometimes. the bullshit drama that constitutes other peoples personalities is just a time waster anyhow.
thanks, rabbit.

I'm not sure I could ever let myself go out in public with just the 'stache and patch. I've done the beard before. The 'stache was just a shaving intermediate. I also have a picture with one of those Civil War era mustache-connected-to-sideburns combos. Pretty freaky.