Jeeze has it really been 5 months since my last update. Time is flying by. Since February I have:
1) bought a house (havsies with my girlfriend Kristen)
2) got a dog (also with gf). His name is Indiana, he is 5 months old now, and a Siberian Husky, and a pain in the ass but he is my boy!
1) bought a house (havsies with my girlfriend Kristen)
2) got a dog (also with gf). His name is Indiana, he is 5 months old now, and a Siberian Husky, and a pain in the ass but he is my boy!
3) completed first year of MBA program (if I knew it was this easy, would have done it a while ago.
4) got engaged to the afore mentioned girlfriend on the 4th of July. Wedding to be October of '08. Still have a year to sow the wild oats if anyone interested (yes I am totally joking)
That is it in a nut shell.
Getting ready to head out to San Diego for ComiCon this weekend, should be fun. 3 days and 2 nights in SD with some friends and the soon to be Misses. Should be a great weekend! expensive, but great.
Congratulations!!! when are you gonna catch up with her and start having babies ?