I see the time between my posts is getting longer and longer and I' don't like that so here we go...
I have no plan for this blog so I'm just going to wing it.
This beautiful bout of depression I've suddenly fallen into these past few weeks.. or months.. can't really be sure.
Well, it's not bugging me anymore.
I've managed to strike a balance.
So while yes I do still love serial killers and I do spend 70-75% of my day reading, researching, recording these marvels, I'm also doing other things.
Let's get the gritty bits over with.
Serial Killer inspired horror flicks.
Now you'd really be surprised by how many of the horrors that we all love so much are actually based on real-life monsters from the past.
And I don't mean the obvious movies that are basically just theatrical renditions of their lives, I mean abstract concepts based on facts.
Here are a few...
(Conveniently spoilered for those who aren't into this kinda thing

Enough about that for now..
Recently I've once again gotten into my old hobby of baking (and by "recently" I mean 3 days ago)
I made....
Rainbow marble cake
Mixed choc-chip cookies
Cuppacino cupcakes with coffee cream
I had so much fun making all this and they all tasted really good!
I'm happy to have gotten back into the swing of baking again
If you want recipe's they should hopefully be up in the SG kitchen feature thing soon
Speaking of SG stuff, thank you all so much for all the love you've been showing to my newest baby Suicide Girls For Dummies!
It's always good to know that you guys enjoy viewing my sets just as much as I enjoy making them!
Also speaking of sets, I'd like to introduce you all to my friend Astoria_
She kinda found me on Facebook a while back and we got to chatting and she told me she wants to be an SG and all that jazz and I was MAD for it. I mean, this girl is over the top beautiful.
You know those girls who are so perfect they make you wanna throw up?
Yeah, she's one of them.
I was so amped for her to shoot a set and then for it to go into MR I knew it was just a matter of time before her dream was a reality.
That's shy I can't FOR THE LIFE OF ME understand why she hasn't gone pink!
I mean, just look at her!!
So please show her set some love!
Like, if you only have 5 minutes to live. And you can only comment on one set. And in the life and death pressure you're oscilating between my set and hers. And you're scared cause you know I'll kick your butt if you don't give my set love.
In this situation, you should pick her set.
Because I've already had 2 sets bought and she NEEDS to go pink!!!
Get it? Got it? Good.
I'm glad we could all have this talk
In other news, I've recently started Roller Derby.. Yaay!!
It's so much fun and it hurts real bad but it's worth it!
There's so many gorgeous tatted girls there that I've taken to carrying my SG stickers in my wallet.
I feel like one of those model scouts in the movies
But if it pays off and we can get more SA SG's, how awesome would that be?!?!
Here's a pretty vid of our girls..
Okay.. uhm.. let me think..
Nope, I think that's about it for now.
Will try get back into the rhythm of making regular blogs!!
I love you guys, have an awesome week!