Decided I wanted to blog about this.
Dear Hopefuls,
Please don't ever give up hope. Every girl on this site was a Hopeful at some stage. Yes yes even Radeo and AnnaLee.
If you need inspiration, just check FP today at Spliff.
She is my Suicide Girl of the week.

I mean yes I figured I was pretty expressive about how grateful I was to go pink but this girl just overflows with humility.
This is what makes us Suicide Girls I think.
Knowing that none of us DESERVE to be here. None of us. Nobody owes you anything.
The fact that The Powers That Govern chose you over thousands of other girls is nothing to brag about. Instead, this should make us all eternally grateful.
Humility is what happens when someone gives you something beyond your wildest dreams and asks for nothing in return.
On the flip side, I really don't think it's okay to bitch (excuse my language) and moan about sets not being bought.
I'm pretty sure Spliff loved her first set to bits but I never saw her whining ONCE about how she deserved to go pink above all the other girls who went pink after her.
Instead i saw her congratulate and be GENUINELY be happy for them.
This is just one example of the many girls who we could all learn something from.
I also don't think it's okay to tell girls who go "instapink" that they don't deserve it or that they haven't 'paid their dues'. We're sisters. Our job is to build each other up, not tear each other down.
That's what haters are for.
By the way Splifff, I can't congratulate you enough, I already had a spot on my favourites reserved for you
Okay I'm gonna end with a copy paste of a comment I left on someone else's blog because I really don't like repeating myself.
"You know what I've learnt about SG? If you make a good set, they will buy it.
You don't have to be pretty, you don't have to have the best photographer, you don't have to have a gazzilion friends.
Just have faith in the system.
It doesn't matter who you are, I've seen the most popular girls with sets that've been in Member Review for years now.
And you know what they did?
They didn't sit around bitching about the unfairness of it all. They didn't call it quits and disappear.
They remained as happy and strong as ever. They carried on shooting sets.
And they left those sets up there, not take them down after 3 months in a hissy fit.
Girls have gone pink with sets that have been in MR for over a year. Girls have gone pink with their fourth, fifth, even sixth sets.
It's all about the grace and the attitutde.
It doesn't matter who you are, where you're from, what you look like or who you know.
If you make a good set, they will buy it. Period.
It's not about the money. It's not about going pink.
It's about being given the opportunity to become a part of this great community.
And, if you ask me, that's priceless."
I love you all, have a great week
Dear Hopefuls,
Please don't ever give up hope. Every girl on this site was a Hopeful at some stage. Yes yes even Radeo and AnnaLee.
If you need inspiration, just check FP today at Spliff.
She is my Suicide Girl of the week.

I mean yes I figured I was pretty expressive about how grateful I was to go pink but this girl just overflows with humility.
This is what makes us Suicide Girls I think.
Knowing that none of us DESERVE to be here. None of us. Nobody owes you anything.
The fact that The Powers That Govern chose you over thousands of other girls is nothing to brag about. Instead, this should make us all eternally grateful.
Humility is what happens when someone gives you something beyond your wildest dreams and asks for nothing in return.
On the flip side, I really don't think it's okay to bitch (excuse my language) and moan about sets not being bought.
I'm pretty sure Spliff loved her first set to bits but I never saw her whining ONCE about how she deserved to go pink above all the other girls who went pink after her.
Instead i saw her congratulate and be GENUINELY be happy for them.
This is just one example of the many girls who we could all learn something from.
I also don't think it's okay to tell girls who go "instapink" that they don't deserve it or that they haven't 'paid their dues'. We're sisters. Our job is to build each other up, not tear each other down.
That's what haters are for.
By the way Splifff, I can't congratulate you enough, I already had a spot on my favourites reserved for you

Okay I'm gonna end with a copy paste of a comment I left on someone else's blog because I really don't like repeating myself.
"You know what I've learnt about SG? If you make a good set, they will buy it.
You don't have to be pretty, you don't have to have the best photographer, you don't have to have a gazzilion friends.
Just have faith in the system.
It doesn't matter who you are, I've seen the most popular girls with sets that've been in Member Review for years now.
And you know what they did?
They didn't sit around bitching about the unfairness of it all. They didn't call it quits and disappear.
They remained as happy and strong as ever. They carried on shooting sets.
And they left those sets up there, not take them down after 3 months in a hissy fit.
Girls have gone pink with sets that have been in MR for over a year. Girls have gone pink with their fourth, fifth, even sixth sets.
It's all about the grace and the attitutde.
It doesn't matter who you are, where you're from, what you look like or who you know.
If you make a good set, they will buy it. Period.
It's not about the money. It's not about going pink.
It's about being given the opportunity to become a part of this great community.
And, if you ask me, that's priceless."
I love you all, have a great week

Amen girl, you said in this blog all what I think about this site, the hopeful thing and the SG's.
Really, I can't wait to be pink, why? not to brag about it or feel like I'm in a higher level and I suddenly can be Thor if want. NO. Only because what you said, to be part of this community, I already feel part of it, I KNOW it would be even more awesome when I finally go pink.
Thanks, you are amazing girl <3
Love you stukkend <3 <3 <3