Hey everybunny
Okay so hectic last week. Had assignments coming out of my ears which I'd been putting off to satiate my SG Chat addiction. Yes yes I know, shame on me
But finally some time to breeeeeathe..
S.A weather has been giving us a serious beating. I can't remember the last time it was this hot.

That's the sun up there being a bitch. Excuse my language.
Also, my mummy bought me a bunch of really cute panties from La Senza!! I was so happy!!
Soo this last week
Autrum Suicide and I had the pleasure of being featured in a local magazine as 2 of their top 5 alt models. Which is pretty amazing!
Here's the link if you wanna check it out:
I also got an article done on me in another local mag called Kaffeine, exciting stuff!!
I've really been putting a lot of effort into making a name for SA SG's and it looks like it's finally about to start paying off..
So Hopeful..
SPOILERS! (Click to view)
I'd like to bring everyone's attention to a few of my favourite hopefuls. With your support, maybe I will soon be able to list some of these girls under my favourite SG's..
This is
Anunnaki.. Swedish Goddess..
You may be asking yourself why on God's green earth this beauty is still a Hopeful.. Well, I've been asking myself the same question.
Her set
Go Green has been sitting in MR for EONS!!
So, i say Go Comment!!!
Next is

I mean really, just look at that face!!
Her newest set
Leonard is now up in MR
Show this cutie some love
And finally
Ah man this is my girl! So much love for this lady.
Again why oh why is she still a hopeful??
Thinking of you is calling your name out in member review. Go show it some love
Biiiiit of a problem
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Something's up with my body again. The defiant little prick. I've been losing A LOT of weight, for no reason at all. I mean, I eat more junk than everyone I know put together and yet, instead of turning into an elephant(wouldn't that be grand) I'm just shrinking away. I haven't done any shoots lately nor am I planning any until I have this situation under control. It's ridiculous.

(Excuse the weird angle, my computer defies me too

And now... SuicideGirl of the week!!
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This week is a little different. I'm going to feature two girls and, if you've ever been on SG chat, you'll know why I couldn't seperate these teo..
The terrible two-some known as
Annasthesia and
Ailyn Suicide..
I just HAD to get a pic of Ailyn laughing cause that's pretty much all she ever does
These two girls a re a real hoot, they should have their own show.
But they managed to turn one of the bleakest most stressful days of my week into an uncontrollable fit of giggles.
Thanks girls, big plans for the future
For those who're still awake after all that drab, I've finally come to the end of this weeks blog..
On a side note
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Enviable is still crying out for 1 000 comments. Thanks to everyone who's been giving it a constant stream of love and also to amazing SG show-stopppers like
Ackley, and
Sunshine for stopping on by to view my set and make me feel so warm and fuzzy inside. You all are really amazing. Thank you for the tireless support and endless enthusiasm
That's it for now. Hope you all have a fabukous week. Much love
i want to know where in JHb ur at <3