Hello everyone
Haaaaaave you guys checked out [MEMBER=Salliss']s new set???
Suicide Girl of the week..
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This week's wonderful honour goes to
Miro Suicide..

Stunning, isn't she?
Anyway, I met her on SG chat and she's SO awesome. Really, I admire her so much.
This girl is not ashamed to roll right outta bed and turn on her cam(while some of us fret about makeup and brushing our hair.)
And she's really such a nice person. And she's funny. And, of course, wildly beautiful.
If you don't know her or have never spoken to her, I suggest you do. It'll be worth it.
A word on SG Chat...
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Did you guys know that we have a site chatroom where we can interact with felloew SG's and site members??

I know, amazing right!!

So I've been leaving a lot of studying undone to spend time with all these great people I've met this past week. With SG chat it's really the little things, you know, like someone leaving their cam on so you can watch them sleep(not creepy, I swear) that make them like family.
I mean my first day there I was shocked by how they interact. They eat and live and sleep and BATH with their cams on. But there's really something so sincere about willing to be that transparent about your life. I appreciate it. And I appreciate them. They're all really good people.
SPOILERS! (Click to view)
So, in case you've been living under a rock for the last 2 weeks, I have a set in MR. Yay me
Enviable. I'm really happy with how well it's doing. It's now up to 97% which is AWESOME cause it means I've done better than my first set. Thanks you guys
Okay so I guess that's it for today. Don't forget to check out Salliss and Miro and SG chat!!
I love you all