Hello hello everyone!!
I'm so glad I get to be on the site more often now cause we just got uncapped internet at home!! FTW!!

All this time, I've been having to go into town every so often to use the internet cafe and it's SO uncomfotable going through nekkid pics with dozens of people around looking at me like I'm some kinda pervert. Not to mention how expensive it was getting. Yes yes, I know. Such admirable dedication
A few things today.
Firstly, after spedning hours on the site everyday, I've come to admire quite a few of the girls here. Not just as models, but as people and as friends. So I've decided to honour one girl everyweek.
(Yes, I get to make blogs every week now

This is my SuicideGirl of the week.
SPOILERS! (Click to view)
This remarkable young woman has instantly become one of my idols. She talks about things that really matter. Not just "oh look at my new kitty". When you read her blogs, you actually LEARN something, you know?
She's taught me to be a lot more insightful and to be a lot more aware of my surroundings and take note of what's happening in my world.
And she READS. Boy does this girl read. She's very inspiring.
I hope that someday, people will feel that they are better people after reading my blogs, the way I feel after reading hers.
She just redefines the term "Beauty AND brains"
And also just a general thanks to all my Suicide Sisters. I love you guys, you really have become like family to me. There's just so much love and support that overflows out of each and every one of you and I think you're all amazing young(and some not so young
) women.
I feel like I've grown so much as a person just in the few short months that I've been blessed enough to be here and spend time with you all.
Okay, now that you all think I'm a sad sap...
I'm getting inked!!!
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Yeah, possibly this week sometime. I'm really excited about it. I'm getting a band of script around my waist.
"Every Sinner has a future. Every Saint has a past"
It's just something that's really resonated with me. As people, we've all made mistakes in life. Done things we truly regret. I think it's just refreshing to know that doing bad things doesn't make you a bad person. Just a wiser one. It's a great reminder that nobody's perfect and so we should stop chastising ourselves for our mistakes. Foget about your dark past and focus on making a brighter future. That's the message I hope people get when they see this tattoo. And that's the message I'd like to be reminded of everytime I see it.
Facebook spammage
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I've made myself another Facebook account after complaints of spamming. What I do is post three of four pictures of SuicideGirls a day. I can't help it, there's just SO many beautiful girls on this site!!

Most of my friends really appreciate this and I've gotten so many messages from people who say I've "converted" them. Which, of course is my intention. I want everyone to see how amazing this site and this cause and this art is. I want them to love SG as much as I do!!

But, on the flip side, I understand that I model for 5 other companies and it's so unfair to them that I give so much attention to this site and none to them. So yes, I've made myself a SuicideGirls fb profile where I can spam and andvertise to my heart's content
Add it:
Jeckyl Sg
Don't forget, my set "Enviable" is still sitting in Member Review.
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Thanks so much for all the love you've all been giving it. I truly appreciate it. Thank you, from the very bottom of my heart.
I found this awesome picture, I did post it to the SuicideGirls page on FB, but for those who didn't see it...

SPOILERS! (Click to view)
This year has promised to be very grueling on me with regards to my studies. Not work-wise. I've never had a problem with studying, I love soaking up new information and I come from a family of nerds lol
But with regards to content, I find myself struggling pscychologically. I'm becoming more and more distressed after study sessions and it's only the beginning of the year.
Most of my subjects are a walk in the park and I'm enjoying digging deeper into the dynamics of my chosen proffession but I have this subject called "Sexual Trauma" that I battle with.
The name speaks for itself. It's one thing to just read through it but now to have to memorise and internalise it. Wow, people are sick in this world.
I'm starting to rethink my specialisation because I'm not sure how well I'll be able to deal with this field of counselling on a daily basis. Just something to think about.
If you've led a relatively normal life, just take this moment to be grateful. For your friends, your family, your past experiences. Because those simple moments you took for granted. Something as small as a family dinner around a dining room table. Some children have never had that. Some children fantasise about having something like that.
Just the fact that you grew up with parents who love you and relatives who didn't abuse their positions of authority over you, be grateful.
I tihink we take a lot for granted. And it's not until you see how fucked up some people's lives are that you realise how good you have it. Excuse my language.
And with that little bombshell, I think I'll be off..
I love you all