Whoa.. I'm on the front page.. Pretty trippy
Anyway, quiite a lot to talk about today...
This weekend, I was out celebrating my official SuicideGirlnessness..

Anyway, quiite a lot to talk about today...
This weekend, I was out celebrating my official SuicideGirlnessness..
In the spirit of giving back, I've decided to start recruiting Hopefuls.
I know I souldn't, but I went through my picture comments on Facebook today.. I was curious..
As to be expected, I got the "where's all the ink", and the "wrong skin colour" comments..
But a lot of random people said some really nice things..
Like "I wanna knock up her face".. very nice thinks indeed
Hahaha okay.. before I bore you all, I'm gonna end it there..
Oh and thanks again for all the comments on my set..
You're all very near and dear to my heart
Much love
Honestly, what's wrong with people...
Congratulations again on FP. Totally deserved, it's a great set. Can't wait to see more from you