It's taken me hours to decide what to blog about first.. You know, first impressions and all that..
But now I've decided to just talk about how amped I am to be here.
I've spent my entire morning going through the site(instead of studying like I'm supposed to) and looking through other girls' sets.. Talk about a major knock to the ego..
There're some SERIOUSLY stunning girls here..
Hopefuly one day I can go down in the ranks like some of the greats lie Radeo, JaneDoe, Tarion or Milloux..
My ABSOLUTE idols.. I remember Googling their pictireas when I was younger and just thinking "Man, if only"
And now, here I am, in line to achieve possibly the biggest dream any bright-eyed bushy tailed alternative model could hope for..
Man, life really is full of surprises..
But now I've decided to just talk about how amped I am to be here.
I've spent my entire morning going through the site(instead of studying like I'm supposed to) and looking through other girls' sets.. Talk about a major knock to the ego..
There're some SERIOUSLY stunning girls here..
Hopefuly one day I can go down in the ranks like some of the greats lie Radeo, JaneDoe, Tarion or Milloux..
My ABSOLUTE idols.. I remember Googling their pictireas when I was younger and just thinking "Man, if only"
And now, here I am, in line to achieve possibly the biggest dream any bright-eyed bushy tailed alternative model could hope for..
Man, life really is full of surprises..

Also, you're pretty. *runs away*