Name Popularity in 1982
Rank Male name Female name
1 Michael Jennifer
2 Christopher Jessica
3 Matthew Amanda
4 Jason Sarah
5 David Melissa
6 James Nicole
7 Joshua Stephanie
8 John Elizabeth
9 Robert Crystal
10 Daniel Amy
11 Joseph Michelle
12 Justin Heather
13 Ryan Tiffany
14 Brian Kimberly
15 William Rebecca
16 Jonathan Angela
17 Andrew Ashley
18 Brandon Amber
19 Adam Christina
20 Eric Erin
Popularity of the male name Aron
Year of birth Rank
2004 654
2003 651
2002 643
2001 637
2000 597
1999 610
1998 602
1997 590
1996 575
1995 577
1994 622
1993 581
1992 555
1991 601
1990 600
1989 561
1988 581
1987 610
1986 570
1985 570
1984 512
1983 490
1982 509
*note* As I told Mylf: "Unfortunately, what I didn't realize is that the magnitude is incorrect. You see rank is a measure where 1 is best and 1+n is less than best. Hence, I really should have multiplied the data by -1 so that you could see the true trend."
Rank Male name Female name
1 Michael Jennifer
2 Christopher Jessica
3 Matthew Amanda
4 Jason Sarah
5 David Melissa
6 James Nicole
7 Joshua Stephanie
8 John Elizabeth
9 Robert Crystal
10 Daniel Amy
11 Joseph Michelle
12 Justin Heather
13 Ryan Tiffany
14 Brian Kimberly
15 William Rebecca
16 Jonathan Angela
17 Andrew Ashley
18 Brandon Amber
19 Adam Christina
20 Eric Erin
Popularity of the male name Aron
Year of birth Rank
2004 654
2003 651
2002 643
2001 637
2000 597
1999 610
1998 602
1997 590
1996 575
1995 577
1994 622
1993 581
1992 555
1991 601
1990 600
1989 561
1988 581
1987 610
1986 570
1985 570
1984 512
1983 490
1982 509
*note* As I told Mylf: "Unfortunately, what I didn't realize is that the magnitude is incorrect. You see rank is a measure where 1 is best and 1+n is less than best. Hence, I really should have multiplied the data by -1 so that you could see the true trend."
i am a new yorker who is just lost! transplant pride!
how long have you been here?
yuengling!! yum i had that this weekend when i went to the city, but no pizza i did get to have thai food and a bagel though..
sadly i am from lawn giland, the only good thing to come outta that place is billy joel (yes i am a huge dork and a typical long island obsession with billy joel)
well you being from westchester you also know the pain of not being in the city but yet so close!
i dont think i could go back to that state once a month!