No Violation of my Meta-Ethics
I've been constructing a plan about how to live my life around a deontological framework, its been going well for about 3-4 months, but it precludes anything fun without prior extra-personal consent.
My ideals that prevent fun as put into three bullet points:
(1) I can't try to assemble things for my own benefit: If I were to attempt to configure a situation for my own benefit that includes others, then I am negating the universalizeable nature of the act, for it is only for myself. Ergo, I can't try to configure things for my own benefit.
(2) I can't try to get laid: The attempt at having sex with someone requires that unless they already want to have sex with you previous to your attempt, you will have to manipulate them. They are no longer seen as a end, and thus are a means to getting laid.
(3)I must treat everyone with a wholesome sense of charity: I myself would like to be treated as such, hence according to kantian aesthetic I must ensure that I can do for others as much as the range of my will allows.
As you can imagine, this is very exhausting.
I need to get laid and mistreat people.

I've been constructing a plan about how to live my life around a deontological framework, its been going well for about 3-4 months, but it precludes anything fun without prior extra-personal consent.
My ideals that prevent fun as put into three bullet points:
(1) I can't try to assemble things for my own benefit: If I were to attempt to configure a situation for my own benefit that includes others, then I am negating the universalizeable nature of the act, for it is only for myself. Ergo, I can't try to configure things for my own benefit.
(2) I can't try to get laid: The attempt at having sex with someone requires that unless they already want to have sex with you previous to your attempt, you will have to manipulate them. They are no longer seen as a end, and thus are a means to getting laid.
(3)I must treat everyone with a wholesome sense of charity: I myself would like to be treated as such, hence according to kantian aesthetic I must ensure that I can do for others as much as the range of my will allows.
As you can imagine, this is very exhausting.
I need to get laid and mistreat people.

I never studied philosophy so this is a bit complicated for me...
ok, I spent a long time trying to understand what you are saying here. I think understand now and I agree with aoife, Fuck Kant. Although she's a rather poor philosopher, read Ayn Rand, it will make you a lot happier and at least she doesn't develop a totally arbitrary system of ethics like Kant does. Beh.
and for aoife
And do you really have to do that much manipulating to convince people to sleep with you? Jeez. I never thought of flirting that way.
Yes, for rare souls such as Jebus and I, it requires quite a bit of manipulating for us to get laid. Be happy you were born a woman.