i keep hacking up a lung.
actually i think i'm hacking up pieces of my lung.
it's so nice.
i hate old invalid people, they are indirectly the cause of this disease.
we shoulda made 'em into food, but nooooo you're a monster aron. am i?
i mean really, they're suffering as invalids in a state-run concentration camp cum convalescent home.
listen to my plan:
1) give them too much C11H17N2NaO2S and let 'em die peacefully
2) process them
3) feed them to rich people as "sevruga caviar"
every one wins. QED.
fuck you all. i'm not a monster. i'm sick.
can't a man be a bear when sick?

actually i think i'm hacking up pieces of my lung.
it's so nice.
i hate old invalid people, they are indirectly the cause of this disease.
we shoulda made 'em into food, but nooooo you're a monster aron. am i?
i mean really, they're suffering as invalids in a state-run concentration camp cum convalescent home.
listen to my plan:
1) give them too much C11H17N2NaO2S and let 'em die peacefully
2) process them
3) feed them to rich people as "sevruga caviar"
every one wins. QED.
fuck you all. i'm not a monster. i'm sick.
can't a man be a bear when sick?

you can't do that on television AND home movies? i love a guy who knows good tv.

don't rub it in. i miss boston so much.