Question maybe someone can help me with:
I went to send a message to a member but the "Send a Message" and "Friend Request" tabs are both grey and I can not click on them. Also I noticed I can not comment on their blog. I don't think I have ever had any interaction with this member before. They are a group owner I was going to send a message to. Anyone have any idea's why this is?
I went to send a message to a member but the "Send a Message" and "Friend Request" tabs are both grey and I can not click on them. Also I noticed I can not comment on their blog. I don't think I have ever had any interaction with this member before. They are a group owner I was going to send a message to. Anyone have any idea's why this is?

just say "hey, i had a question for you, but looks like I somehow got ignored or blocked - please get in touch with me"
can you see if they have common friends with you that could pass along a message to them?
just trying to think of ways you could get in touch. if you're ignored, I doubt the first couple ideas would get through.
good luck!
the new parts are in the mail so hopefully they get here soon...