Sooo.... it was one of my friends 21st b-day yesterday and she wanted to go down town two McFaddens.
I can't stand these bars that get sooo... fucking jammed w/ people. You can't move!! you can't get a beer!! you can't get to the pisser!! You pay $4 a beer to have some ugly mother fucker breath down your back all nite and on top of it all it cost me $50 to take a cab home!!! The city can realy suck sometimes!! Other then that, last nite was fun. BUTTTT for now on i think i will stay around my house, i can walk to the god dam bars.
Does anyone else feel the same?
Sooo.... it was one of my friends 21st b-day yesterday and she wanted to go down town two McFaddens.
I can't stand these bars that get sooo... fucking jammed w/ people. You can't move!! you can't get a beer!! you can't get to the pisser!! You pay $4 a beer to have some ugly mother fucker breath down your back all nite and on top of it all it cost me $50 to take a cab home!!! The city can realy suck sometimes!! Other then that, last nite was fun. BUTTTT for now on i think i will stay around my house, i can walk to the god dam bars.
Does anyone else feel the same?

or you can check out my weekly comic on ACT-I-VATE.
I'll get around to the art folder soon, I swear!