I'm having a strange moment.
You know how there's occasionally bitching from some quarters that remakes or adaptations or "reimaginings of old films, books and tv series are assaulting people's own sense of nostalgia in their lives? Consider this . . .
I just poured a bowl of cereal that I thought I'd eat while watching cartoons. (Hey, it's Sunday! I suppose most of you are at church.
) Unfortunately, I poured the cereal before I realized that I'm out of milk. Now of course the whole pouring it back in the bag-in-the-box occurred to me, but that's always seemed wrong to me, like trying to stuff a child back into the womb. So I went back to the fridge for inspiration, which is something I suspect all guys do at some point, and possibly all humans, but it can be very effective when you have several roommates and a standing "replace what you take" policy.
One of my roommates is on some kind of cleanse and her boyfriend is cleansing with her out of support and curiosity, so pickin's have altered, but what they lack in variety they make up for in mass quantities. That's why when I looked in the fridge in search of milk-like products I found one in abundance - chocolate soy milk.
So in a moment of nostalgia alloyed with Calvinism (the Watterson kind, not that other stick-in-the-mud) I figured chocolate milk over cereal with cartoons might be fun. This unfortunately, is chocolate SOY milk, which is superior to standard soy milk for obvious reasons, but still doesn't lose its essential soyness. I also poured it over Apple Cinammon Cheerios, which I've actually found to be a pretty volatile taste combination by itself. In conclusion:
Experiment: FAILED
A taste sensation as similar to my childhood memories as Episode 1 is to Episode IV. I'm still eating it though, since I hate wasting food and it can't be that bad for me, right?
Maybe it's better this way. Our tastes change as we grow, and as nice as it sounds I don't want to live my whole life as that cute kid in the 80's I once was.
Now back to downloading Adult Swim cartoons and the new Battlestar Galactica.
You know how there's occasionally bitching from some quarters that remakes or adaptations or "reimaginings of old films, books and tv series are assaulting people's own sense of nostalgia in their lives? Consider this . . .
I just poured a bowl of cereal that I thought I'd eat while watching cartoons. (Hey, it's Sunday! I suppose most of you are at church.

One of my roommates is on some kind of cleanse and her boyfriend is cleansing with her out of support and curiosity, so pickin's have altered, but what they lack in variety they make up for in mass quantities. That's why when I looked in the fridge in search of milk-like products I found one in abundance - chocolate soy milk.
So in a moment of nostalgia alloyed with Calvinism (the Watterson kind, not that other stick-in-the-mud) I figured chocolate milk over cereal with cartoons might be fun. This unfortunately, is chocolate SOY milk, which is superior to standard soy milk for obvious reasons, but still doesn't lose its essential soyness. I also poured it over Apple Cinammon Cheerios, which I've actually found to be a pretty volatile taste combination by itself. In conclusion:
Experiment: FAILED
A taste sensation as similar to my childhood memories as Episode 1 is to Episode IV. I'm still eating it though, since I hate wasting food and it can't be that bad for me, right?
Maybe it's better this way. Our tastes change as we grow, and as nice as it sounds I don't want to live my whole life as that cute kid in the 80's I once was.
Now back to downloading Adult Swim cartoons and the new Battlestar Galactica.
Ahhhh... Now I know that that chocolate soy milk + apple cinammon Cheerios = Not soo bad that I won't eat it. Another life lesson I don't have to experience to learn. Thanks man.
I still want to be a cute kid of the 80's, 90's and 2000's.
Have a great day!
your sweet set comment, however, did not...just the opposite! like the milk after a bowl of cocoa crispies!