So it's been over a month since I've updated. On the plus side, I actually did stuff worth writing about. I'll work backwards from this week, since it's kinda at its apex right now.
At this very moment I'm in the middle of the busiest week I've had in months.
- I'm booked for 3 evening shifts at the community centre, which is generally unheard of in the non-holiday season.
- I've had my first two figure modelling sits at ACAD this week, and booked at least 3 more in the coming months.
- Saturday will be the most actor-y day I've had in years, what with auditioning for a touring Shakespeare show in the early afternoon and then trucking off to Pincher Creek for dinner theatre, which is a "paid gig" in the parlance.
- 2 weeks ago I had a photo shoot with Lavonne, which made my resume headshots possible.
- The new year's party was well-documented by others and I was glad to be a part of the hotel festivities, hanging at Cilantro's and breakfast at the Ship & Anchor the next morning.
- Throughout this period, most of my off-time has been spent playing EVE Online and downloading and watching alternating episodes of NewsRadio and Veronica Mars.
So that's my January in a nutshell.
You, the reader(s), can actually help me out and stroke my ego simultaneously. I've posted a selection of shots from shoot with Lavonne and I'd love some feedback on which ones I ought to use for auditions for theatre, film and whatnot. (Ah, the oft-untapped whatnot market.) I've got a couple picked out, but I inherently distrust all my subjective decisions, especially if they involve my person.
Now I can fantasize about getting fifteen pages of comments - or maybe fifteen comments total. Aim high but compensate for windage.
At this very moment I'm in the middle of the busiest week I've had in months.
- I'm booked for 3 evening shifts at the community centre, which is generally unheard of in the non-holiday season.
- I've had my first two figure modelling sits at ACAD this week, and booked at least 3 more in the coming months.
- Saturday will be the most actor-y day I've had in years, what with auditioning for a touring Shakespeare show in the early afternoon and then trucking off to Pincher Creek for dinner theatre, which is a "paid gig" in the parlance.
- 2 weeks ago I had a photo shoot with Lavonne, which made my resume headshots possible.
- The new year's party was well-documented by others and I was glad to be a part of the hotel festivities, hanging at Cilantro's and breakfast at the Ship & Anchor the next morning.
- Throughout this period, most of my off-time has been spent playing EVE Online and downloading and watching alternating episodes of NewsRadio and Veronica Mars.
So that's my January in a nutshell.
You, the reader(s), can actually help me out and stroke my ego simultaneously. I've posted a selection of shots from shoot with Lavonne and I'd love some feedback on which ones I ought to use for auditions for theatre, film and whatnot. (Ah, the oft-untapped whatnot market.) I've got a couple picked out, but I inherently distrust all my subjective decisions, especially if they involve my person.
Now I can fantasize about getting fifteen pages of comments - or maybe fifteen comments total. Aim high but compensate for windage.
"Buy what I'm hocking!"
Not necessarily the best headshot, but funny as all heck.

no. 19