Good evening folks,
Where are we going and why are we in this hand basket?????
Yeah here it comes again Mr. Downtroden!(sp?)
How does one have a good thought to write about, and when it comes to articulate that thought, one freezes up? Is it writers block, even when one is not a writer? "I mean come on!!"
Knowing one problem with articlation is jumbled thoughts, meaning to many too fast. To much alcohol only hurts but It can help with the articulation of that one thought. While not healthy for the body or mind. Does it hep the psyice(sp?) Ah the quandry of triing to figure ones self out, WITH OUT PROFESSIONAL HELP!(which is not implying, it is not nedded)
Ahh who knows. Mybee I should only try and write while trashed!!
No, that would not be good.(for my liver) with all these thoughts.(HaHaHa)
Whel that is enough of my useless rambling about my inadecuasies(sp?)
Where are we going and why are we in this hand basket?????
Yeah here it comes again Mr. Downtroden!(sp?)
How does one have a good thought to write about, and when it comes to articulate that thought, one freezes up? Is it writers block, even when one is not a writer? "I mean come on!!"
Knowing one problem with articlation is jumbled thoughts, meaning to many too fast. To much alcohol only hurts but It can help with the articulation of that one thought. While not healthy for the body or mind. Does it hep the psyice(sp?) Ah the quandry of triing to figure ones self out, WITH OUT PROFESSIONAL HELP!(which is not implying, it is not nedded)
Ahh who knows. Mybee I should only try and write while trashed!!
No, that would not be good.(for my liver) with all these thoughts.(HaHaHa)
Whel that is enough of my useless rambling about my inadecuasies(sp?)
When the time is right, the words will flow!
You're such a Sweetheart..
Thank you so much for your lovely comment on my Member Review set 'Entrepreneur', Darling. I'm glad that you liked it!
It's greatly appreciated.