"I loved it!"
Well no.fucking.shit! You loved to see a naked girl from the privacy of your own masturbatorium! Congratulations you slothy fuck! Is it just me, or is it undeniably awesome that popularity of photosets are based on sheer number of comments?! God forbid it actually have to do with depth or the ability to use English (or any other language for that matter)!
Missy, I'm sure you'll never read this, but if you do, hows about we just keep a tally of the astronomical numbers of "I'm too lazy to type anything in response to this lovely girl putting herself completely out there in all her glory, so I'll just click this button, cause this box won't go away if I don't do anything," also known as "I loved it!" That way, we won't have to scroll through thousands of the same three words just to see what people ACTUALLY thought about a set. There can be a litte box on the side that could say "X amount of people 'Loved It!'" Or you could do one sarcastically better, to encourage actual participation, and make the box say "X amount of people took the time to look at this girl naked, rub one out, and then were too tired to do anything else but click one button that vaguely resembles an actual response." I think that could work, right?
End diatribe. Love that you lazy Americans.

Well no.fucking.shit! You loved to see a naked girl from the privacy of your own masturbatorium! Congratulations you slothy fuck! Is it just me, or is it undeniably awesome that popularity of photosets are based on sheer number of comments?! God forbid it actually have to do with depth or the ability to use English (or any other language for that matter)!
Missy, I'm sure you'll never read this, but if you do, hows about we just keep a tally of the astronomical numbers of "I'm too lazy to type anything in response to this lovely girl putting herself completely out there in all her glory, so I'll just click this button, cause this box won't go away if I don't do anything," also known as "I loved it!" That way, we won't have to scroll through thousands of the same three words just to see what people ACTUALLY thought about a set. There can be a litte box on the side that could say "X amount of people 'Loved It!'" Or you could do one sarcastically better, to encourage actual participation, and make the box say "X amount of people took the time to look at this girl naked, rub one out, and then were too tired to do anything else but click one button that vaguely resembles an actual response." I think that could work, right?
End diatribe. Love that you lazy Americans.

Hahaha... no sting rays! Don't wanna hurt myself