engagment parties i hate them!! you dare to turn up by yourself and have everyone commenting on it, 'you got anyone special?' or my personal fav 'alone, again'.
and babies everywhere!!!! and being used as a personal baby sitter all night too.
i would normally get stupidly drunk but seeing as i was surrounded by my best friends family i thought best not too. altho my saving grace was eurovision strange but true. Lordi won which was so cool!! made my night!!
got my last presentation on thursday
but that means there is only one thing to do and im finished!!!

and babies everywhere!!!! and being used as a personal baby sitter all night too.
i would normally get stupidly drunk but seeing as i was surrounded by my best friends family i thought best not too. altho my saving grace was eurovision strange but true. Lordi won which was so cool!! made my night!!
got my last presentation on thursday

latest reply ever but i just wanted to say a great big thankyou for the comment on my sonic and tails set. I'm sorry it's taken me so long, (a month!), to get back to you. I was really busy with university